The Return of the Rose III

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This tale never seems to end,
As some may find this to be true from the as well,
But one always changes while the other always stays the same.

A visual,
If you will,
A lovely Rose of pink this time,
Deep in color,
Almost to the color of red.

It's sweet,
Caring with a personality I had never quite stumbled upon,
Different and quiet,
I held this flower so tenderly.

Ah but the character who never falters in these stories returns to the stage,
Vibrant in color,
Only this time a beautiful violet,
A color of which I had never seen it.

Not the vibrant blue I remember it being once long ago,
Or the brilliant red,
From a fantasy so long ago,
But a mix of the two,
And more real than previous times.

The two dance around me in ways I cannot speak of,
One captured my heart so long ago,
While the other so recent.

How can I trust one who has hurt me before?
A new beginning or shifted ending?
Answers of which I have nothing to give.

Author's Note:
    This was a while ago, but catching but more present days. TO THE NEXT ONE!!!! (these are weird to write when not in that particular moment, by the way...)

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