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Entered this book in the Wattys...yay! Wish me luck! ✌🏻️

Thank you all for your support, without it I probably wouldn't still be writing this story. I really truly appreciate every single time I get a vote, comment, or someone adds this book to their reading list. Love you guys <3

Picture above made by @krazydiamond in the Pre-Watty Interviews book. I loved it so much so here it is :)

ALSO: I've been told by people that multiple POVS per chapter is annoying (though they haven't read this story, I heard this from a thread) I want to know do you guys think its annoying? I'm trying to save as much room as possible because the limit is only 200 something chapters, and though I doubt I'll do so many chapters, you never know. So just tell me and I'll try my best to limit it.

I took out Myra's POV and decided to put that into the next chapter. I know I know. I'm going on vacation tomorrow and this chapter was A) getting too long and B) I didn't have enough time before to get it out, so I'm getting it out now before I leave.

Now, off to the chapter!

Thank you for #510 in Fantasy <3

 "Few delights can equal the presence of whom we trust utterly"


The unbelievable statement echoed in my ears for a few seconds longer then necessary. "W-what?" I jolted from where I lay, my muscles aching from previous events. Had I heard Theo correctly, he wanted to join us? A Teran knight?

Alright, that wasn't 100% unbelievable, considering how an event such has this happened before. But to think, its happening again? It all seemed way to good to be true. Way.

"You heard me correctly." Theo flashed a debonair grin, and my heart melted.

Get it together, Ruby.

I rubbed the back of my head, flattening the hair that had been sticking up every which way. I cleared my throat, a challenging task, considering current events. I ignored the irritation and dryness as words slipped out of my mouth and into the air. "I'm afraid we can't take--" I coughed. "--anymore people."

Theo furrowed two thick eyebrows in uncertainty. His dark brown eyes sparkled in a wondering glance. In that moment, I wanted to curl up into a ball, cry, and make him forget everything I just said.

"Are you alright? Why can't you---" Theo held out his hand to me, becoming aware of the developing glossiness in my eyes. As he spoke, a short figure with blonde hair paced into his way, acting as my shield.

"You heard the woman! Back off!" Noah pronounced. "Or I'll kill you!"

Theo stepped once backwards, his sharp brown eyes still glaring at me. I sighed and wiped a trailing tear off of my cheek. "It's okay Noah, leave him alone."

Standing up was like a foreign concept to me. My arms ached as I lifted myself from the ash and dirt ground. I winced as my legs begun to hold my weight. They nearly collapsed beneath me if Theo hadn't rushed to my side.

"Thanks." I relaxed my shoulders as Theo held me upright. He smiled, showing off a set of white teeth., as I thanked him again. Well, he isn't too bad. He might make a good addition to the team.

Last Hope [VERSION I]Where stories live. Discover now