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So I just found out the limit is 100 chapters.

And I plan for two parts in this book so I won't have to make two separate books.

And I want each part to be pretty long.


I'm going to try making the chapters longer, so updates may be slower. My apologies to anyone who actually enjoys reading this.

"So whenever you feel alone, just remember that those kings will always be there to guide you. And so will I."


"Help! Someone! Anyone! Please!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and coughed. Hopefully there was someone around here! In all my time around these parts I've never seen anyone, with the acceptation of Lotus and that one blonde knight man! If I was lucky, maybe I'd run into someone.

I rubbed my eyes as tears started slowly descending down my cheek. I licked a salty tear from the corner of my mouth and kept shouting for help; but to no avail. I wheezed and knelt on the grassy ground. Ouchy!

A female voice shouted from afar. "Hello? Whose out there?"

A smile spread across my face. Maybe it's Lotus! I could tell her about my adventures through the village and the forest, and ask her how she escaped the evil men!

I ran towards the female voice. My legs nearly collapsed as I ran towards the voice, but I kept running anyway. I can't wait to see Lotus again! The separation was unbearable.

"Lotus! Lotus! Lotus!" I waved my hands up in the air, preparing for a jump hug.

Emerging from beyond the dark forest was a female figure---much shorter, brown hair whisking around in the wind. Pretty and familiar red eyes emanated from the darkness of the night, an eye color Lotus didn't possess. "Hello?" The female voice asked once again. I felt tears trickling down my cheeks once more.

The girl came closer and closer to me. Her face was soft and kind looking, but Lotus always told me not to talk to strangers. I would keep my mouth shut!

Her expression turned more worried as she noticed who I was "Hello? Whats wrong are you---Oh my gosh."

It hit me! I knew who she was!

"Noah...? Is that you?" She kneeled in front of me, our eyes meeting. "Noah from the library?" She asked. I remember exactly who she was! She was the lady that worked at the library, Ruby! I got my book from her! 

I held the fairy tale book in front of my face and nodded. Her smile became wider. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was running from a bad man!"

Ruby's eyes widened. "A bad man?"

I nodded. Her mouth formed into an O as she gasped. "Who was it?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Knights in shining armor! But not good ones from the books you give me!" I scrunched up my nose. "These are bad ones."

Ruby's head looked back into the dark distance, then back at me, then back and forth and back and forth. She muttered a word under her breath, but I couldn't make out what it was. "Ace!" She then yelled in a nervous tone, much unlike her normal happy high pitched voice. "Ace!!!" Ruby then grabbed my small empty hand tightly and lunged foreword, dashing towards the dark and spooky forest. "Come on, we have to go."

"B-but what about Lotus?" I stuttered as she dragged me along with her into the dark forest, but she didn't hear me as she continued moving foreword. Twigs and branches whacked our faces as we bolted through the forest. I wish Lotus was here!

Last Hope [VERSION I]Where stories live. Discover now