Don't really care, which side wins

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As long as the room keeps singing that's just the business I'm in...


"Let's move," I muttered, my eyes gleaming from beneath the black helmet. I took a deep breath before walking out of the dungeon and up the stairs, paying no regard to the other undead hurrying around the dungeon. When a few stopped to ask me a few questions, I simply responded, "The lord has requested my help. I need to get there in due haste." No one really bothered me after that; maybe I looked menacing for once. Though the army of undead-looking animals could be playing a factor in that too. 

"I need a portal to Icecrown," I growled to a skeletal mage. He paused and looked at me with lifeless eyes. "Well?" I asked impatiently. After a moment's pause, he obliged, and before me appeared a glowing round window to Icecrown. I grinned and saluted the gathering undead. "By the way, I won't ever be seeing you again. And Ghoul?" I called. The geist hobbled over to me, looking confused. I motioned for my army to enter, but stayed back a second.

"I lied!" I giggled with a wide smile. His eye bulged but I was already gone through the portal. Chuckling to myself, I summoned my Crimson Deathcharger and looked behind me at the 'undead' animals. "It's time to face the horrors of Icecrown Citadel. I want Loki to be my healer. Ravyndare, you're DPS. Chomper, you'd make a perfect tank, switch specs. And Reality, I want you be like a rogue and strike at the weakest points," I explained. They all gave a noise of agreement, and we were on our way. Game mechanics, I tell ya! 

I led them up the steps and looked toward the castle-like structure. My glowing eyes fell upon the crusaders fighting undead. I cringed upon seeing various abominations pull people from the ground with their hooks, as my previous experience with them hadn't been a whole lot fun. I strolled forward on my horse, receiving no challenge. My goodness, the people here were so busy fighting the formidable undead that my small army and I passed unnoticed. The walls of undead were devastating, and I'd need to face more inside. Well. Time to get started.

We entered the long hall of Icecrown Citadel, and I narrowed my eyes. Bodies were strewn over the floor, and unlike in the actual game, no one was entering or exiting the portal. I bit my lip, now very nervous. At least if the crusaders were here, I'd be able to talk my way into the place and have some backup. But now, my companions and I were all alone. I sighed and charged onward, feeling the temperature dropping more rapidly. This was it.

We entered the portal, and immediately I noticed the damage. The tents were torn and bloodied, and not even bodies were on the ground. There was just masses of blood stains which led me to believe that Arthas himself had risen them again. "Why am I here..." I asked myself. After a glance ahead, I knew--I couldn't let a man like Arthas live. I couldn't let an elf like Drev die, either. He was an asshole, but he'd proven to actually have a heart despite his obnoxious attitude. I'd get through to him that he was being unreasonable eventually. No, I didn't know why I cared so much. Granted, he saved my life twice, so there was that. 

The first boss was scattered everywhere. No I mean literally--Marrowgar's bones were all over the floor, and no sign of bloodshed could be seen in the room. It was clear that whomever was here ended him fast. "Dreven..." I muttered darkly. 

I walked through the halls, noting the eerie quiet. There should have be mobs here, yet there was nothing. I put a finger on my chin, fluttering my wings slightly. Suddenly, I felt a chill...he was here. Narrowing my red eyes, I whirled right as Chomper gave a roar of alarm. Now I was face-to-face with Drev himself. My knives flashed as I sliced at his face, managing to land a cut upon his cheek before I disengaged out of range, which flung me a good distance from him. My pets converged, all eager to sink claw-and-teeth into Drev's flesh.

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