Stuck...for the Moment

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Loki lunged at my attackers only to be sliced into himself. "Loki, down!!" I yelled, not wanting him hurt either. My loyal wolf refused to listen; he wouldn't back down from my attackers. He was getting just as sliced up as I was. "Please no, leave him alone! He's just trying to protect me; he doesn't deserve this!" I cried, choking on my own blood again.

The guard narrowed his eyes. "Enough. Throw the dog out into the blizzard. Grab the wolf and throw it with her," the human spat. I heard a few chuckles at the joke, but I honestly wasn't offended. Being a dog was way better than being a ruthless alliance pig. Plus, being an animal lover, I didn't get offended by such words. Anyway, I was grabbed once again by my hair and dragged away.

My vision swam with colors, mostly blue and white. I coughed up some blood, dizzy and in a whole lot of pain. Feeling myself being thrown a considerable distance, I cried out upon impact of an icy rock. You guessed it--same side as usual. Then, everything faded into darkness...


I awoke shaking all over, refusing to open my eyes just yet. Which didn't make too much sense, considering I was warm enough due to Loki resting right next to me. I started to come to, frowning at the crisp, cold air... with no wind.

Cracking open my eyelids, I tilted my head to see that I was in a stony room, laying on a few blankets. Looking forward, I realized I was in a prison. I had a pretty good idea as to where I was, unfortunately, but my first concern was Loki.

"Bud...are you ok?" I whispered. Loki rolled over and stared me down. He had several deep cuts on his side, a split paw, and a scar over his eye. Despite this, he licked my hand sadly. He was worried for me, not himself--I felt the opposite.

I pressed my hand on his thick fur, frowning as I felt fresh blood. We both were still bleeding, not as hard, but enough to worry me. "" I tried. Loki's cuts began to close, leaving only scars. I smiled, giggling as Loki gave a huff of approval.

Hugging my wolf closely, I didn't realize I was being watched until a familiar voice hit my ears. "So selfless. That could be the death of you, little human," came the voice of none other than Dreven. I winced and turned my head, locking eyes with the darkfallen. He was on the other side of the prison bars, looking down on me with amusement. Right now, he was the last person I wanted to see.

"I saw your little run in with the Alliance. Unfortunately I was too late to stop then. By the time I found you, you were thrown in the cold to die," he began. He unlocked the door and entered my cell, kneeling and leaning over me as he continued. I froze and stared up at him with a mixture of fear and frustration. "I told you that you were mine. I'll admit, your escape was commendable, but pointless. You've doomed yourself now, little human," he said softly, leaning closer.

I closed my eyes, shakily finding my voice for a proper response. "Listen, these games are getting old. Either get rid of me or don't, but at least let Loki go. These games are both frustrating and pointless, we get it, you're stronger and I can't catch a fucking break." The darkfallen looked surprised at my words. He stopped a few inches from my face, kneeling now and looking into my eyes deeply.

"No...not pointless. I've been having fun. You haven't? That's a shame. You play my world as a game, do you not? What happened to that 'hero' mentality you all are supposed to have?" he growled in a very taunting manner. I didn't move as he placed two fingers on my neck just under my jawline. What was he doing...? Eyes widening, I realized exactly what with a gasp.

"Your pulse is full of life. How I miss my own heartbeat, something I didn't ever notice until it was gone. Strange though, I feel so alive, as my blood now flows strongly due to magic," he sighed. The Blood Prince looked at me sadly for a moment before his eyes flashed angrily. "But you attempted to kill me when trying to escape, human. For that you need to be punished. You remember my promise, I'm sure."

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin