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I stared at my phone, unsure of what to do. My anxiety just increased exponentially as I read on.

"Azeroth is far more dangerous than you think. The game you play destroyed the evils; in reality, all are still a very big threat. Illidan, Lich King, Deathwing, the Sha... all existing at the same time, never having truly been put down. All creatures are level 90 here, meaning each battle is one for your life. Your current task shall be discovered soon enough. Remember your spells, and try to get a decent bow. Your pet will always return if you call him. Your phone is the only remnant of Earth you have with you. You're getting this information from a source here who knows what happened, and knows that you're destined for greatness beyond Azeroth... but you need to survive first. Your pockets are designed like bags that can hold a lot, yet do not appear so. You have a few items that were on one of your character's before you were brought here." The phone went dark, as if shut off. I rummaged through my pockets and sure enough pulled out a Hearthstone(how dark, obviously since I was factionless I wasn't tied to Orgrimmar), bandages, and a few other Azeroth toys.

Now I was rather stumped as to what to do. "Wait... spells? Er ok... I, uh, summon a jeweled black panther." I expected nothing until my hands began to glow with a bright white hue, of course. A few seconds later, I was on a huge black panther made of solid onyx, positioned like a rider on a horse. "Woah!" I exclaimed, amazed. I reached down and stroked the huge cat, smiling as he purred in pleasure. 

Loki waved his tail, rushing off into the blizzard. Evidently, he'd be back, but he disappeared, leaving me somewhat saddened. Glancing back to my mount, I decided that it was time to test things out. "Up...?" I tried. We lurched into the sky, in no time at all suddenly flying through it. My panther ran through the air as if he were running along the ground, with ivory mist left as a trail from his paws. I whooped, grinning from ear to ear, for this was better than I had ever imagined! Perhaps I wasn't doomed to die after all. In the back of my mind, though, I remembered the final message. At least I had somewhat of a future. There was an 'if' factor though: if I survived. Regardless, I was determined to see it through.

We flew around for quite a while before I heard gritty, gruff voices drawing closer from behind me. Damn it, were those orcs? Sure enough, my assumption was correct. I looked over my shoulder and spotted the brutes on lions with bat-like wings and scorpion tails in hot pursuit. Cursing, I willed my panther to fly a bit faster since they were already hot on my tail.

 Chances for survival were slim to nothing if I was caught, but I spotted a hole in the ice below with no water. Oh snap, the underground ice tunnels in Dragonblight, that surely wouldn't fuck me over. Oh well, no time to lose now. I flew down, but my panther was forced to vanish since this was a no fly zone. Apparently some game mechanics still applied. I groaned as my fall was halted by a sharp rock. Ah yes, it reopened the wound from the orc-kick. My day kept getting better and better. And now I was bleeding.

The orcs wouldn't give up, and I wasn't stupid enough to hope for that. Whistling for Loki, I ran as fast as I could through the cave, wincing as the voices reached my ears once again. "Aspect of the Cheetah!" I muttered. The spell caused the symbol of a large cat to form above my head in glimmering light, and suddenly I was much faster. Finally full of hope, I came upon a darker part of the cave with a portal on a balcony-like structure with a ramp leading to it. 

Cornered and having no time to think, I bolted down and stood in front of the portal. I could perish faster in there than out here, but trying my luck with orcs wasn't a fun idea. Making up my mind, I leaped into the portal nervously. I stumbled down the ramp and groaned as I landed on my side. Why the same spot every time? Loki darted next to me, his lips peeled back in a snarl. His reaction was, to say the least, was alarming.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now