The Lies I Weave are Oh So Intricate~

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Well, here went nothing. "The dungeon is blocked off," I growled simply, trying to hold back a sneer of course. Ok, yes, I was being an asshole, but this was amusing. She looked up at me, jumping slightly, because I hadn't been there moments before. Obviously she hadn't expected me to surprise her like that, which was icing on the cake. A day had passed since we had made our 'deal'. The hunteress had been training all day with her pet, Loki. Clearly she was 'ready' for combat. Humans and their pride....what?

Anyway, she scowled at me for a moment. "We had a deal. Blocking me off won't--" she started, but I interrupted her.

"That's not what I meant. Arthas sent part of his army to destroy you. He knows you're here," I lied again. As expected, she didn't buy it.

Eeri glared me down and muttered, "You expect me to believe that bullshit? How does he know I'm here at all?"

"Are you daft, human? You flew all about Icecrown and have an immense amount of power, defeated his puppet king, and such like that. Your power is abundantly clear, and he fears you. Are you going to listen to me, or not?"

Finally, she looked unsure and slowly nodded. "Well, we can fight them off then..." she tried, voice unwavering despite her uncertainty. I gave her a smirk, flashing my fangs.

"I plan on it. Don't get yourself killed," I responded smoothly. With that, all hell broke loose. And I had complete control over the situation, of course. Drawing my sword, I sliced a few ghouls in two, planning on reanimating them later. From the corner of my eye, I watched her fight.

She wasn't like any hunter I'd ever seen before. First of all, she fought with daggers rather than a bow. Yet, she was rather skilled with them. I had no idea how these world transfers worked, but apparently she gained some sort of power without training. Well lucky her, some of us have to put work into that sort of thing, hm? Anyway, her butchery was impressive. Her wolf lunged alongside her, allowing detrimental double attacks. The undead army kept coming and falling to her blades. It was time to step it up a notch.

Suddenly, a Behemoth of flesh towered over her, some rotting meat falling off of him in chunks. He was my personal friend, an abomination. Back when I actually fought against the scourge, he fought as a blood elf side by side. Both of us had been extremely skilled with weapons, me with a sword, him with an axe. Except, when Arthas demanded our deaths, my comrade was literally ripped to shreds. The Lich King didn't want to waste such a powerful soul--so he put it into an abomination. We've been keeping each other company ever since. Too bad he got the short end of the stick.

I saw him lift his hook and smirked. The 'poor' hunter would definitely be scared out of her mind...


They were falling like flies. I felt my electrical wolf lunge with me, matching my every move. We were a two-soul pack, and a great one at that. Hell, we could possibly take an entire army. Erm well...might have that is. Unfortunately I just had to get interrupted.

I felt something slam me from the side and looked down. A giant hook had barely missed plunging into my stomach; rather, it'd encircled my waist. I stared at it, for a brief second confused, before it dawned on me. No time to scream, I was jerked back as the wind was knocked from me. A giant meaty hand wrapped around my torso and lifted me to the gruesome face that made me cry out in pure horror.

His bloated head was all stitched together. His skin was a very pale blue, and one of his eyes was swollen to the point of bursting. Looking down, I saw that his large body rolled with fat and his entire chest was ripped to display his rib-cage and still heart. At this point I was so afraid that I couldn't make a sound.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now