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I walked along, ignoring the fact that Drev was staring at me like I was either someone who belonged in an insane asylum or food. Either way, it was really unnerving. Therefore I stopped so suddenly that he almost stumbled in his own attempt to as well. I turned to him and glared in complete silence. The silence stretched before he decided to clear his throat... he looked a little embarrassed. Good. 

"Uh...what's wrong?" he asked quietly. I narrowed my eyes and crossed my arms. There was no way I was going to deal with his stupid obsession with keeping me his prisoner. No, as soon as this was over, I was leaving. And he needed to know that.

"I'm not yours anymore. Really wasn't to begin with. You broke your word. Therefore, when this is all said and done, I'm going home," I growled. His eyes widened, not aggressively, but in a bit of slight sadness. I tilted my head, somewhat confused at his reaction.

"Are you really leaving forever?" he asked in a mutter. I was about to give a nod when I paused. Getting home had been on my mind since I'd gotten here. But, why exactly? Life at home wasn't exactly glamorous, something I didn't feel like getting into right now. Shaking that thought from my head, I gave a shrug.

"Regardless of where I decide to go, I have a quest. I need to go save my friend," I replied to him with a scowl. Drev seemed to ponder this and put a hand on his chin in thought. I waited patiently for his response, not quite expecting what he had to say next.

"Can I help you then?" he asked. I was now the one to be confused. Why did he want to come on some possibly perilous journey if our deal was over? I mean, once Arthas fell, he would be free. Spending his freedom helping me seemed a bit over the top. Nonetheless, I gave a hesitant nod. No use in being rude, despite the fact that he held me prisoner against my will. I was too nice for my own good sometimes.

Dreven seemed satisfied with that. He gave a smile and followed as I resumed walking. Now it was time to get down to business. "Arthas probably knows that we're. He's waiting for us, I'm sure. We need to get one step ahead of him," the San'layn explained. I listened intently, trying to come up with a plan of my own.

"What happened to the rest of the bosses here?" I asked with curiosity. Vlad cringed and looked down the hallway.

"Well, I defeated Marrowgar and Lady Deathwhisper. We'll be facing the rest soon--including those of my coven," he explained. I let out an annoyed sigh. More Darkfallen? This would be a wonderful walk in the park.

I glanced to Loki, who hobbled along weakly. Casting "Mend Pet", I glanced over to Drev to see what he was doing. He never took his eyes off of me, and was still staring. Gritting my teeth, I asked, "Problem?"

He looked away quickly, almost embarrassed. I smirked smugly, did he really think I wouldn't catch him? "Alright what's up. Why do you keep staring me down?" I muttered.

"There's something different about you. I've underestimated you quite a bit, I will admit. You Earth humans might just have some complexity," he stammered. I could almost detect a hint of lie. He wasn't saying all that was on his mind. I decided to let it go for now and focus on the veiled insult.

"Really? Well, you might have some depth as well, Dreven, though you'll have to prove that to me," I shot back. 

"Touche. By the way... why didn't you leave me to die?" he asked suddenly. I smiled slightly and shrugged, walking ahead so he couldn't see my face.

"I told you. I care about you too!" I chuckled. With that, I continued on before hearing some clanging up  ahead. A voice echoed through the halls which alerted me immediately to the next boss.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora