Never an honest word, but that was when I ruled the world

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My head hurt, my neck hurt, and pretty much all of my muscles hurt as well. But my fatigue was fading fast. A bit too fast, if you ask me. The pain was numbing, and I felt sort of... refreshed. Refreshed and angry. There was something in the way of my freedom once again.  It wasn't Dreven; no, it was Arthas himself. My eyes set on him as my mouth slowly stretched into a grin. Dreven left me to recover and called upon Blue to draw his sword. Well. That was different; I guess Blue decided to side with us. Wise idea, or he'd be dead as well no doubt.

The two darkfallen lunged for Arthas right as he summoned an army of undead that seemed to drip flesh. I only watched. This was my moment to plan things out, to decide when to strike at the Lich King's weakest point. Loki took his place beside me, investigating my various cuts and bites. I smirked and licked my lips of the last of the black blood that remained on them. Revenge, literally, was sweet. I saw Blue glance over at me, his eyes filled with fear, when I decided to give an evil smile. He shuddered and returned to slashing apart the minions of Arthas. 

Now, I slowly got to my feet, cracking my neck and blinking. I observed Drev and Blue circling Arthas like two wolves determining how to take down a mountain lion. Arthas let out a laugh and raised his sword. A beam of pure blue light streaked upwards into the snowy skyline above us, and suddenly beams of the light hit both Dreven and Valanar. "Outlander from Earth... Let's see if you can survive your own allies," he cackled.

I tilted my head like a confused puppy. The darkfallen slowly turned toward me, red eyes holding a hungry stare. I gasped in realization--at the moment, Arthas was commanding them. I grabbed my knives and backed away, stopping abruptly when my foot almost slipped off the edge. I was trapped..and in order to not kill either of them, I couldn't Wrath. My heartrate increased rapidly, causing Dreven to smirk. He vanished... and I knew where he was going to appear next. I bared my teeth, unfortunately shit out of luck currently. Blue stayed back a little, as if knowing that this was Drev's fight. Even Arthas seemed to only watch as I frantically looked around.

Feeling the temperature drop, I decided I'd had it. With a snarl, I glanced to the side and saw just the tiny hint of shadows. I didn't pause; merely, I thrust my knife forward and sunk it into Dreven's arm. He let out a hiss and darted out of range. His dark gaze met mine, and suddenly I was unarmed. I looked to my empty hands and frowned as if confused. Dreven's chuckle hit my ears, causing me to glance up. My knives were in his hand, and he decided to casually toss them off the edge of the pillar. Oh...that enraged me. "Loki, intimidate!" I yelled. Loki appeared behind Dreven and bit into his back, stunning him for a moment.

Blue then burst into action. the darkfallen lunged to Loki and pulled him off, now initiating a battle between the two of them. I saw Drev recover, but it was my turn to be the one who was feared. I glowed a bright red, no longer waiting to activating Wrath. This shifted me into that fox monster from before, which hopefully would be controllable. I seemed to slither towards Dreven, making not a sound. Drev seemed confused and took a step back as I approached. He stumbled and fell backwards--now I knew this was my chance.

I leaped onto him and pinned him down, my claws like nails attaching him to the ice. My breath tasted of blood, and I knew it held that smell as well. My black eyes gleamed, and my jawline stretched past the normal capacity. I looked like a huge canid monster, a demon of the night that was more fearsome than fear itself. Damn it, Wrath could be terrifying, which was great for times like this. And I could tell from the terror radiating off of Dreven that he was stunned. I let out a revving growl as my jaws lowered to his neck. Hm. Rip out the aorta, perhaps? Snap his spinal cord and let him bleed out slowly? I asked myself. My eyes widened in horror. Wait, I had saved him moments before, I cared about him. I didn't want to kill him! Wrath was clouding my reasoning. So what could I do?

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now