High on Blood

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Putricide's voice echoed in my brain as my eyes fluttered open. How did he know I was from someplace else? Aside from the permanent Horde symbol nonsense, I really didn't look all that different. I let out a resigned sigh and looked up at Drev. The pain was receding slowly, and  the burns were fading due to Loki's healing. I suddenly realized I was willingly in the darkfallen's arms and moved away, holding the back of my head. "Sorry," I muttered, embarrassed. A red tinge was on my cheeks, and I cursed myself in my mind. We had other things to worry about than my slight shyness, and anyway he was an asshole that didn't deserve my attention after his antics.

Dreven stared at me for a moment with his head tilted. I glared away and called upon Loki, starting to "Mend Pet" once again. "We need to move on," I growled, now refusing to look at the stubborn San'layn. That bit of weakness I had shown wouldn't do me well. I heard him sigh behind me.

"You know who we need to face next, don't you... the Blood Prince Council and the Blood Queen," he pointed out warily. I winced, as it was time for that wonderful walk in the park. Well. I knew I was ready.

"Mhmm. Anything I should know?" I asked, making sure to keep my dark hazel eyes unreadable. My wound on my chest had closed due to Loki's healing, but my own blood still matted my hair and covered my hands. Dreven took one look at me and smirked.

"Well...that'll provoke them, to er, bite you. Sorry about that...but you're covered in blood. Luckily! You seem to have a thing for vampires, so you'll be fiiiine," he chuckled. At that remark, I elbowed him. Hard. But I knew very well what that meant. I was a walking target. Which could actually play to my advantage. I remembered something from the Icecrown Citadel raid.

"What if I distract them? Aren't they really reliant on their orb?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowed. Drev's eyes widened as he nodded, thinking as deeply as I.

"Yes. In fact, that orb grants them immortality. They won't ever die, no matter what wound is dealt, if the orb is intact. If it's destroyed, they are vulnerable. The orb is revealed once someone desires to add their powers to it," the darkfallen explained. "I could request that to happen with myself, and destroy it when it's at its weakest point. It will take a while, and distracting them is dangerous," he finished.

I rolled my eyes, getting to my feet. My strength, thankfully, was returning. "I'll be fine. I survived you, didn't I?" I chuckled. Dreven burst out in laughter, so much so that I could easily see his fangs. I bared my teeth at him, very much annoyed. "What is so funny?!" I snapped.

Drev quieted his laughter and turned serious. "The princes are as powerful as me, sure. But do you really think that I used even half of my power against you? Of course not. This will require you not to attack, but to avoid. And some very, very good acting," he added with a wink.

I gave him a skeptical look and shrugged. "Let's get on with it then."


Soo not what I signed up for. First off, I wasn't afraid of him. While I pretended to cower in his arms I gritted my teeth, very much annoyed. So basically our plan was this.

I was his captured prey(A whole-fucking-lot different from where I started off, huh?). He apparently was bringing me to the brothers as an offering to be accepted into the orb. I therefore had to act all afraid or whatever. And let me tell you, normally I was great at acting, but I was pretty angry.

"Hey why can't you be the offering?" I growled. Drev gave me an amused look, causing me to narrow my eyes.

"Because you're not undead," he stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. OK maybe it was, but I still wasn't too thrilled. "Besides, chin up human! From what I read about your species on Earth, many of you would be more than happy to be in this situation for real," he added in a very sarcastic tone.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن