The War is Won Before it's Begun

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Terrok led us onward, and I'll admit I was still shaking with rage. I couldn't believe how close we'd all been to dying. I'd almost seen Callow sliced to pieces right in front of me. And still, I had no idea the fate of my best friend. Those thoughts swirled in my mind as our group walked the path to Terrok's tiny island. To be honest, his forces there weren't that big. I remembered the questlines leading up to his death, and figured that probably was the reason why.

"How do we gain the aid of others in Outlands? Naturally the orcs aren't going to help us. Perhaps we can get the aid of the Sporegarr?" I asked. Oh, and maybe we could take a visit to Nagrand. I loved that place, it gave off good vibes! Perhaps I could see how amazing it was from a first person point of view. Sinthar peered at me curiously, giving a nod.

"We'll have a chance to gather an army. Illidan has one of his own, clearly. Our own forces will need to counter it. As for us...we might need to face Illidan ourselves while the battle rages. Are you ready for that?" he asked seriously. My eyes glinted as I gave a nodded.

"More ready than I'm going to be if we wait too much longer," I replied firmly. Callow hissed in agreement, initiating a smile from Sinthar.

"I never doubted that you were," he chuckled. Turning to Terrok, the night elf's gaze grew serious. "What do we have to work with so far, and what do you know of Illidan?" he asked in a growl.

Terrok's hard gaze turned on him. The large Arrakoa seemed almost translucent. I raised my eyebrows curiously, recalling that this was supposed to be a powerful entity. How'd he become so corrupted, I wondered? His voice reminded me of a pen scratching on parchment, so much so that I winced. "Illidan's darkness has spread past The Black Temple. He's taken over the entire Outlands, and killed off all who have resisted him. The forest is slowly falling to him as well, and even Nagrand's wide expanse of nature is falling ill to his corruption. I supported him once before--but the torment of my people has gone too far," he cawed. Giving a sigh, he turned away. "Even I can be wrong sometimes," he finished.

I felt a twinge of sympathy and knew now that perhaps not all was lost to Illidan. If Terrok could have a change of heart, perhaps others could as well. "Ok. So we are going to need more allies," I said. Sinthar nodded, and I began to pace. "Do you know of any other races that will help us? Like the spore people?" I asked hopefully. Terrok cringed but nodded. 

"You will need to be the ones to request an alliance, for they are our enemies," He squawed. I looked toward Sinthar and gave a small smile.

"Looks like we're going on another trip," I chuckled. Sinthar just groaned, and soon enough we were on our flying mounts toward Zangarmarsh. I examined the various fauna and flora, amazed at the colors. Sure, most of them were a dull blue, but the creatures and plants practically glowed. I blinked, tilting my head. "I wonder if there's any pets to capture here from pet battles," I thought aloud. Sinthar looked at me as though I was crazy.

We angled down toward the town of Sporegarr. Right away, I could tell something was off. The little spore people were rushing this way and that, all seeming to be in a panic. There was a commander in the center barking out orders to the various plant-looking people. I approached them while keeping Frostbite close by my side.

"We come in peace... what is the problem?" I asked, sick of there even being one. The commander stopped and seemed to stare at me. I couldn't really see his eyes, but I knew that he was fixing me in a venomous glare. 

"Elves! You elves are the problem! GET RID OF THEM!" He yelled. Suddenly, a mass of the people ran at us, brandishing weapons. 

"NOW WAIT A SECOND!" I yelled. My yell somehow got everyone to stop, and even got me a curious glance from Sinthar. With a frown, I pointed to the people. "Now listen. I said we came in peace, didn't I? I know of Illidan and his terror, and have nothing to do with blood elves attacking this city. I came to ask for your help--by helping me, you'll help yourselves. I am a force going against Illidan!" I exclaimed. The leader continued his stare, however didn't order another attack. "What's this about blood elves attacking yall?" I asked, exasperated.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now