Bestial Wrath

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The very walls shook as my loud howl-scream echoed off of everywhere. My eyes were a completely black. Just complete, utter wrath. I could only think of one thing--kill, kill, kill, KILL!

I wasted no time. I was larger now then all of them, probably as large as a dragon. The darkfallen couldn't keep hold of my scruff when I shook like a dog and flung him off just seconds ago. He wasn't the main concern anyway. I turned my massive head to the other two darkfallen that held the prince. Opening my jaws wide, I let out a terrifying snarl just as the sword was brought down to Vlad's neck. It buried in but didn't cut enough to be fatal, for I leaped and literally tore Red's arm off with a snap of my jaws. I threw the dismembered limb into the air and chomped it, feeling the bone snap in my teeth and relishing as the cold blood streamed down my throat. I wanted more...MORE!

The red darkfallen's shrieks of pain and terror hit my ears. I felt a pang of empathy...but then, as my eyes fixed on Dreven, all remorse faded. He was losing blood fast due to these undead villains. I knew what I had to do. I turned my head and fixed my glowing eyes on Red. Slowly, my canid jaws stretched into a huge, evil grin. I stalked closer as he tried to stumble back. I saw pure fear in his eyes as his back hit the wall--he had nowhere left to go. And I have to admit, he looked pathetic with only one arm.

"Hey's it feel to be dogfood?" I asked in a low growl. His eyes widened as my jaws shot forward and latched onto his neck. I tossed my head back and forth, throwing him about like he was a dog toy. I felt my teeth sink in deeper and deeper, piercing through flesh, muscle, and finally bone. Black blood poured onto my face, matting my fur and blurring my vision. It made me feel sort of empowered, and as I opened my jaws to finally snap his neck in half, I let out a cruel laugh.

I sat down and licked the cold blood off of my face, panting a mix of saliva and plasma. Slowly, I turned to fix my stare on Black. He was frozen in shock, and slowly took a few steps back. Oh goody--a game of chase! I knew right as he whirled and ran for the door that he was doomed to die like the rest. My growl followed him as I let him sprint away from me. It was time to play with my prey...Melting into the shadows, I giggled and ran after him.

His breathing was fast, and as he ran he let out whimpers of terror. My whispers echoed of of the walls. "Oh my, your cries are music to my ears! Why not come out and play?" I giggled. Black yelled in alarm and skidded to a stop as he found himself in a small room of Icecrown Citadel. Clearly, he took a fatal wrong turn. I licked my lips, almost purring with the thought of sinking my teeth into his flesh and rending him into a pile of useless muscle and sinew.

"Please, spare me!" he begged as I solidified out of the shadows in the room. I tilted my head rather cutely, as if I didn't understand. My dark stare was locked on him as I licked a paw and panted with a small grin. The only thing that could be heard was his fevered breathing. I saw a glint of hope in his eyes as he took a few step backwards. I followed his movements and bent my head to his hand, as if asking to be petted. Black blinked and slowly outstretched his hand, placing it on my muzzle. I slowly grinned and said, "You should never pet a strange animal. They could...bite!"

With that, I flipped my head up and snapped my jaws, immediately severing his arm. I gave him no chance to scream, I merely lunged and snapped his body in half, letting the blood spill all over me. Soon enough, I was dripping with cold, black blood, satisfied at the carnage.

I entered the room again to see Blue passed out from the impact to the wall. I darted to Dreven. He was losing blood fast, and I needed to save him. I bent over him, however was interrupted by a sudden cold hand on my scruff. I was thrown against the wall, noticeably making a huge fox-shaped mark of black blood on the cold metal. Groaning, I sunk to the ground as cold, female laughter filled the room. Well, at least high on adrenaline, Wrath was still going strong.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz