Weapons in the Form of Words

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"So," I muttered, trying a bit too hard not to sneer. The geist had returned and was watching me warily. "Are you ready to let me out yet?" I asked expectantly. The geist stared me down with that creepy eyeball, clearly confused.

"I'm under strict orders to not let you go under any circumstance," replied the undead man. Now it was time for me to look very 'confused'.

"Uh Oh. His majesty told me that there might be a problem with you," I growled. I brought a hand to my head theatrically. "He said something about a memory problem."

The geist blinked, scratching his chin with a rotting claw. "I have no memory problem at all, he specifically told me to guard you," was his response.

"Uh-huh. Well he told me that you wouldn't remember a memory problem. I should've listened to him and scolded you from the beginning," I sighed. If all went according to plan, things would go quite smoothly.

"...what?" the geist asked, obviously stressed. I frowned at him, 'disappointed'.

"Let's go over this again. Listen to me this time, alright?" I asked, pretending to be exasperated. The geist gave a slow nod, unsure of what I was about to say. "We had been training, and Dreven had witnessed my, uh, true power. He knew I would need some rest, and he knew that the Lich King would send real forces against me. But he also knew that in bestial wrath, I would become uncontrollable. That's why he had me chained up, because somehow my wrath wasn't fading and I had lost all reasoning," I began. "Then, when I had awoken before he left, he told you to watch me until I healed enough. I requested to stay in chains a while longer just in case. Drev agreed and ordered you to release me when I felt that everything was under control. He told me to gather the forces here and aid him against the Lich King."

The geist looked at me as if I was insane. "I don't remember that!" he accused. I provided him an annoyed look.

"Of course you don't! Your memory sucks, but it's not your fault, Ghoul!" I giggled. Yes, I knew his name wasn't 'Ghoul', but it was what I planned on calling him from now on. "But honestly now, I need to be released immediately. I made him a deal to help, and any delay just endangers him further!' I growled with urgency.

Ghoul(the geist) still seemed so confused. He realized the problem with any delay and slowly began to undo my chains. Hah, so my plan worked! Now onto step two. "Thanks. Ok now I'm going to need a disguise, Ghoul. Can't attack Arthas by surprise if I don't. Now, Drev told me there was a stash of Potions of Illusion somewhere..." I started, giving a sideways glance to ghoul.

He fell for my wild guess. "Uh, yeah, I'll get them... But they are potions of Undeath, that usually empower the undead but give the living the appearance and temporary powers of the undead. Will that work?" he asked hesitantly.

I beamed and gave a nod. "Of course! Bring 'em over!" I chuckled. When the geist left, I hurriedly freed Loki and looked over his wounds. He had several cuts on his side, and the scar from his eye hadn't yet faded. I mended what I could on the wolf and watched him awaken. With a wide smile, I took him in a huge hug when he leaped at me.

"I missed you bud!" I whispered, feeling happy all over again. I almost jumped when I heard Ghoul enter again. Hearing Loki's growl, I bent down to whisper into the wolf's ear,"He's fine, Loki. Just follow my plan, no attacking unless I tell you."

Ghoul carried several bottles with glowing violet liquid. They must've been the potions--eagerly, I snatched them up and patted Ghoul on the head. He stared at me, still confused for a moment. "I need to make preparations," I stated. "Thanks for your help. I'll be sure to put a good word in to Dreven for you." That seemed to satisfy him enough to get him to leave.

Perfect. "Alright. So I wonder...Summon Chomper, Reality, and Ravyndare!" I tried. Before me appeared a huge devilsaur, a large black fox, and my giant Raven. Loki stood beside me and acknowledged the other pets with a simple bark. No time to waste. "You four are going to be a part of my undead army. I want you to drink a part of this potion. We are going in to Icecrown Citadel soon, and I'm going to need your help," I sighed.

The animals all gave a sound of agreement. I smiled and let each take a sip. Chomper's flesh melted away to form only dinosaur bones. I was worried for a second and reached out. My hand hit solid flesh, never reaching the bones--his appearance, thankfully, was an illusion. Next, my fox Reality took a sip. Bits of flesh fell from him and foam formed on his mouth. Great, he was a rabid zombie fox. Loki went after; his fur dulled to white and his flesh melted from his muzzle, leaving a hellish appearance. His eyes now glowed a bright red. Interesting. Finally, Ravyndare took a sip. His feathers turned to bloody gauze, and all the flesh on his head melted away. His eyes were sockets, and he was like a mummified bird. I grinned, for they indeed looked like an animal army from hell. My turn.

I took a deep drink and found myself dizzy. I looked down to my hands to see that my skin was very pale. I felt something on my back...wait, I had wings?! I gasped and spotted a puddle of water nearby. Quickly, I ran to it. My face wasn't changed, but my eyes were a blood red. I now had a helmet which made the appearance of horns come from from my forehead. I was clad in all black armor and had ghostly wings. I was a Valkyrie... interesting.

Turning to my 'undead' pets, I gave a smile. "Time for our attack," I growled in a broken, dead tone. Yes, I was going after the Lich King, but I was also fleeing as soon as he was defeated. Dreven didn't keep his word, and I wouldn't keep mine. I wanted to escape as soon as possible, but I wasn't about to let him die to the Lich King. I wasn't that heartless.

"We leave at midnight," I muttered, my crimson gaze flashing hungrily. 

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now