Dudes in Distress

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We sat around a table, though I admit it sorta felt surreal. Eeri and I achieved our goals of 'saving' each other. So...why did I feel some sort of unease? I stared at the guys in the room, somewhat anxious now. It was time for Eeri and I to decide whether or not we wanted to stay or leave. Petting Callow, I cleared my throat.

"So...Azeroth isn't so bad after all," I began. Eeri, Dreven, and Sinthar all turned to look at me. Everyone was dead silent, so I continued. "But...I'm not sure if we should stay here. We've got school, and worried families. Surely our absence will be noticed...it would be selfish to stay now," I sighed. As much as I hated to admit it, Eeri and I had a duty back home that we could not turn our backs on. But that would mean leaving our newly found friends... they couldn't come with us, could they?

Sinthar cast me a sad look and let out a sigh. He closed his fist as his gaze hardened. "I don't want to prevent you from returning to your home, Viper. In fact, I'll help you as much as I can!" he promised. Callow, however, gave a sad hiss of protest. I patted him on the head, exchanging a sad look with the serpent.

Dreven nodded and chimed in, "Same goes for me. I can't bear losing Eeri...but if it must be done, so be it. She might be safer there. I can make a portal and visit in the very least." Eeri responded to that with a snort. She rolled her eyes and gave a grin.

"Define 'safe', princey," she muttered. Her eyes became serious. "But Lueran is right. We can't just stay and abandon our duties on Earth. Animals are dying horrible deaths...I can't let that happen. I'd be honored to have Dreven and Lue's night elf help," she finished. Loki gave a huff, like Callow seeming not to want to part with us.

I let out a sigh and gave a final nod. "So it's settled then. Now we just need set up that portal." I looked expectantly toward Drev, raising a brow.

Dreven gave a nod, but hesitated. "We need to travel to where I opened mine. It's no easy ordeal, but that's no problem. I might need another mage's help, additionally, because again, this is complex," he muttered. Eeri nodded, satisfied with that answer.

I nodded at his idea, eager to try it out. "Great! Do you know of a mage that can help you, then?" I asked. It was then Drev frowned.

"Well...yes. But he's a troll in Orgrimmar. A definite problem, since none of us have access to the city. But perhaps we can find a way," he mused, thinking deeply.

I was about to give my imput when a series of noises bombarded the dungeon/castle. Yelling, from gruff voices, filled the halls. I stood up quickly, eyes wide.

"Sir! Orcs from the Horde have us surrounded!" yelled a geist, probably Dreven's minion. Another person ran into the room, looking badly beaten up. He was a darkfallen clad in blue with a menagerie of sword cuts. He sank to the ground.

"Lord Dreven..there's too many of them..." he gasped. Then, it was pure chaos.


I recognized the voices as soon as they hit my ears. Orcs! I gasped and stood quickly as the voices stormed closer and closer. Dreven leaped for me and grabbed my arm, now holding me protectively. I narrowed my eyes. "Hey...I can fight too!" I tried. Drev only frowned and tensed. He ignored my protests and put himself between me and the door.

I caught sight of Sinthar doing the same and noted without surprise that Lue was fuming as well. What do you expect? We weren't exactly damsels in distress! We weren't able to argue anymore, for a literal army of orcs flooded into the room.

"Blood and Thunder!" "For Hellscream!" "Get the undead traitor and the elf filth!" Came several screams. I growled lowly as I contemplated going into Wrath again. Dreven drew his sword, and I felt my power growing from activating the spell.

From there, it was an all out frenzy. The huge problem was the lack of energy we all had due to the recent huge battles--the orcs could very well outnumber us. I was a fox due to wrath and sank my teeth into the green arm of an orc. The large humanoid yelled in pain and jerked his arm, finding little success of getting away. He only managed to make himself bleed more.

Several orcs surrounded me, and forced me to back away. My fur brushed against someone else...I whirled to see Lue just as trapped as I was. He was a serpent as well, no doubt wrathing like I was. "Eeri.." he whispered. "I can't see Kitty or Drev..." I assumed 'kitty' was the night elf.

"Me neither..." I replied. We both bared our teeth as the orcs closed in. Bursting into action, Lue and I fought back-to-back. I sliced into the neck of an orc who'd been about to clobber her, while he turned and ripped into the chest of one who'd been about to slice me down the back. Warm red blood spattered everywhere, staining my fur and Lue's scales.

I bunched up my legs and gave a ferocious gekker. My claws met the soft flesh of an orc's eyes...I slowly ripped them out as blood gushed from the sockets. The orc fell, screaming, as he bled to death from the eyes. I felled a few more before noticing the slaughter was just about over...but all that was left was Lue and I.

No one else remained...not Drev, Sinthar, Loki, Callow, not even Blue or Ghoul. Wrath ended and I let out an exasperated breath. "What happened?!" I muttered. No bodies, either...they were just gone.

Lue's voice came from behind me. "Eeri! A note..." he gasped. I hurried over to read it...and was not happy about what I saw.

Outlanders. Your beloved ones are here in Orgrimmar...they await your rescue. Will you be strong enough to save them? Oh, now I wouldn't try to fight. Turn yourselves in, and I will release them. Unless of course you're too afraid...They will die in three days if you are idle. Until then, they suffer. See you soon, fresh meat.


I stood in silence before letting out a frustrated groan. "Wellp. You know what we gotta do now," I sighed. Lueran gave a tired nod.

"He's torturing them...we can't allow that. We need to leave as soon as possible," he added. I couldn't agree more.

"Exactly. We will head there right away. Ugh...time to save our dudes in distress!" I exclaimed. Despite the seriousness in the situation, both Lue and I burst out in a nervous laugh. It was time to make our way to the portals and set off to Hell city...

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