How's the Outlands?

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Right on target. My arrows sliced through one another as all landed directly in the center, because apparently we took upon the skills of our mains. I wasn't about to complain. With a smug grin, I looked to Sinthar, who was staring at me with astonishment. Apparently he assumed that I wasn't powerful before. Well. I'd prove him wrong. I stroked Callow, a lot on my mind. Clearly I needed to save as many animals as possible. I could only hope that Eeri wasn't yet dead. From what I remembered, this Dreven character wasn't out to kill her just yet. Which was good, but I still wasn't really feeling this whole 'mercy' thing.

Sinthar walked up to me, startling me out of my thoughts. I frowned. "What is it?" I asked quietly, staring at him with eyes void of emotion. He looked down, almost seeming to blush.

"Ah well, you're very skilled in combat. Care to train with me?" he asked carefully. I tilted my head, because a little extra training would do no harm. So, I shrugged and nodded, bringing my bow out in front of me.

"Sure. Let's duel and see where I'm at," I muttered. Sinthar nodded and suddenly underwent a change. He shifted into an azure panther with pure white eyes and long glistening fangs. He had a slim but muscular build, and his claws were longer than normal. He bared his teeth and suddenly was gone.

Calmly I waited before suddenly I felt sharp claws sink into my back, indicating that this was indeed rather serious. Good, this would be practice for later when I went up against corrupted animals. That didn't mean I was planning on making any kill shots in either scenario.

I whirled and disengaged, entangling the large cat in a mass of sticky webs via spell. He roared and grew red, snapping the webs like they were mere strands of grass. He lunged at me, but I yelled, "Intimidation!" Callow leaped at the panther from behind and stunned him by latching onto his flank with serrated fangs. I shot at Sinthar's legs to weaken him slightly, but he wouldn't give in that easily. He tore at me and leaped, managing to tackle me to the ground. Just as he lunged for my throat, my hero came--Callow sunk his fangs into the druid's scruff and yanked him off of me. That gave me enough time to place an ice trap  on the ground. My serpent had landed some considerable great blows, but Sinthar was still going strong. That's why when I rolled away, I sighed in relief as the panther was encased in ice.

I gave a triumphant smirk but knew that I didn't have long. I used scatter shot once more, waited a bit, and then finally commanded Callow to intimidate once again. At this point I was just fucking around.

Sinthar groaned and shifted to night elf form, raising his arms in defeat. "To much crowd control!" he muttered, holding his head. He sat down, looking very dizzy. Out of concern, I walked over and sat next to him.

"I didn't want to hurt you when you were in panther form. Not the best walk in the park for me since I respect animals. But I think I controlled you enough so that if the need arises, we can capture the corrupted beasts," I explained. Sinthar nodded, flashing me a light smile and showing off those night elven fangs of his.

"You sure did prevented me from attacking. I should give you more credit, er..." he stopped, not knowing my name. I let the silence stretch for a moment before responding.

"My name is Lueran," I muttered, watching Sinthar for a second. The night elf considered this for a moment.

"Can...can I call you 'Viper'? You remind me so much of a snake. In a good way, I promise," he admitted, looking down. I blinked in surprise and slowly nodded. It wouldn't bring any harm,so why not?

"We should prolly get moving to the Outlands. I don't want to delay if animals are being killed," I pointed out, reminding him of the very grave situation. Sinthar quickly got to his feet, eyes wide.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now