A little fun in Darnassus

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No...that bastard was taking my friend away. As I was dragged away with my mouth covered and several strands of red hair falling into my fae, I stared as the fragile little Eeri was hurt. That Darkfallen literally bit into her, and I could hear her whimper of pain. From the stories she'd told me, she was terrified of him. Yes, she tried to act all brave, but I knew that shy little Eeri could be so easy to break. I had to help her... I had to get away.

I'd been in situations before. I'd always been able to out-fight anyone. But not this time. I saw my precious Callow lunge at my captor to no avail, for a chain wrapped around his entire body and I knew with a sickening frown that he was caught too. And Eeri was dragged away while I could do nothing to save her. We needed to get home together.

I let out a muffled snarl as I thrashed in my captor's strong grip. I assumed he was a night elf...curse the Alliance. Always destroying any chances of any hope. No matter. I would get away easily enough.

I heard a 'woosh' and felt myself being dragged through what I thought was a portal. Roughly, I was shoved to the ground and able to finally see who'd caught me. I stared at the night elf, noting that his skin was a very pale azure, and his face was admittedly rather handsome. He had very striking misty white eyes and long white hair trailing down his back. Nonetheless, I was very, very angry.

"You prevented me from saving my best friend. You also chained up Callow," I stated in a matter-of-fact  tone. The night elf blinked, confused for a moment. Slowly, he nodded and provided me with a scowl.

"Actually, I saved you from being destroyed by the remaining scourge in the city. It's become overrun," he responded with a smooth voice. I scowled and sat up, glancing at my chained up serpent.

"Release him," I ordered in a low, dangerous voice. No one, and I mean no one messed with my dear Callow! The night elf looked down and nodded. With a snap of his fingers, he released my serpent. Callow immediately slithered to me and rubbed his head against my chest. I responded by giving him a hug. Glancing at the night elf, I frowned. "Who are you, and where are we?" I asked, getting down to business.

The night elf put a hand behind his head shyly. "My name is Sinthar. We're in Teldrassil, the outskirts. I saw you attacking the king and got enraged. I tried to defend him, but realized in the end that he wasn't normal. So, I decided to help you," he sighed.

I gritted my teeth. "You let a darkfallen steal away my friend," I growled angrily. Sinthar winced, clearly guilty, and I decided to lay off the harshness at least a little bit.

"Well. Thanks for saving me then, Sinthar," I sighed, burying my head into my hands. There had to be something I could do....anything. I mean, here I was now with some stranger who could very easily destroy me. He dragged me through a portal, for gods sake. Yet, I wasn't the least bit afraid. No, I was just very angry.

The silence stretched, as it did when I withheld a choice words to someone. I liked to be nice, pleasant, but sometimes I snapped. I was on the verge of it when Sinthar cleared his throat. "Hey, uh, so, I'm sorry about your friend. Maybe we can go and try to get her back...?" he tried. I rolled my eyes.

"We don't have any idea where she's at. And we probably will need a bigger force," I responded with a sigh. This was all so new, so...different. Thus far, I had to admit I wasn't a huge fan of Azeroth. I was thrilled with Callow and my powers, but it was a lot harsher than I imagined.

Sinthar began to pace. "Alright, alright. I can try to gather some people but I probably won't come to a huge amount of success. We're preparing an attack on Illidan, he threatened our city. It seems like all of the big powers are rising again," the night elf sighed.

"...Why are you helping me?" I had to ask. Sinthar blinked, thinking for a moment.

"I don't know. This is my fault. I felt like it was the right thing to do at the time, but now realize I'm wrong on that end. I'm so sorry about your friend," he muttered quietly.

I finally gave a sigh. "I accept your apology. But I'm not going to give up on finding her and getting home. So, yes, I do need your help," I mumbled.

Sinthar's eyes lit up. "Really? I mean, sure, of course I'll help. Let's go to the city and find some who can," he said enthusiastically. I had to admit, he was sorta cute. I brushed the thought aside and cursed myself. I needed to remain focused, this matter was serious as hell. My friend's life was on the line.

We walked along, arriving at the entrance of Darnassus with ease. The guards shot me a strange look, but I dismissed it. Right now I was determined to get help. Sinthar glanced at me awkwardly and put a hand behind his head. "Uh...I don't know how much help we'll get since we're combating Illidan," he muttered. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. We arrived at the palace and walked up to the Tyrande herself. She had her emerald hair fashioned up in a tight ponytail and was muttering quietly to a group of other night elves. Her skin had a light violet hue, and characteristic of her people, she had triangular markings above and below her eyes in purple. She wore a dress that showed quite a bit of skin as well, sometime surely some here wouldn't mind by any means.

Sinthar bowed and motioned for me to do the same. The night elf cleared his throat. "Your majesty. We need your help to save an innocent person from the scourge."

The night elven leader narrowed her eyes. "Sinthar, you know we are fighting Illidan. He is destroying the forests of Terrokar, and is planning to come to Azeroth himself and corrupt the land. Do you think I'm planning on dropping everything to help a random blood elf, especially if he's of the Horde?" she asked. Her eyes fell on me, and she let out a gasp.

"I didn't realize you were..." she muttered. Her gaze remained locked upon me as she spoke again. "Alright. I'll make you a deal. You must help reclaim the forest of Terrokar along with your friend here," she said to Sinthar. I scoffed...friend? That was pushing it. And why was this night elf woman looking at me so strangely? I glanced to Callow, who returned my confused look with a flick of his tongue.

Anyway, I looked back to Tyrande. "What will I get in return?" I asked. The night elf thought for a moment.

"I will send a unit of troops to aid you in getting your friend back," she said. She turned to Sinthar. "Train him, druid.  Protect him at all costs. I realize now that he's vital in this battle," she muttered. I blinked...how so?

Before I could ask, Sinthar gave a nod and grabbed my arm, practically dragging me out. I growled slightly in anger; how dare he pull me around. I didn't get a chance to snap; Sinthar cleared his throat and turned to speak with me.

"We need to train and get out there as soon as possible. Innocent lives are being lost..and I don't mean humanoids," he sighed. The sadness in his eyes made my heart clench for a second.

"What do you mean?" I whispered.

"Well...some demons, and we suspect it's Illidan but we're not entirely sure, are corrupting the animals and making them attack the city. People have been killing them out of self defense. But I don't think it's right. We need to stop them before they destroy more innocent lives," the night elf growled.

I looked to the ground, now slightly depressed. By helping them, I'd be saving innocent animals and possibly Eeri after. Yes...I slowly nodded. "Let's get started then." I drew my bow, eyes narrowed in determination.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now