Chapter 34

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Faith POV: I couldn't stop staring at Tim. I didn't think that I would ever see him again, but here he is! "I have a lot of explaining to do." He said. "Ya think?" I said sarcasticly. He smiled. "Where do I even begin?" "How about you start from right before the bombs went off." I suggested. "You know about the base being attacked?" He asked. "Yes...They said that it was attacked and they told me that most likley you were killed." I said. "Well, the concert started out great, nothing was out of the ordinary. The security were all telling me that everything was good to go. Then I started to sing My Best Friend, and before I could get through the first chorus, a big flash came from the middle of the crowd. The last thing I remember was hearing a loud bang and people screaming. Before I knew it I was woken up by the sound of cars. I noticed that we were in the back of a truck or van or something." He said. "Wait, you said we?" I said. "Yeah, me, Paul, Bon, Shawn, and a few of the soldiers from the base. We were taken to this warehouse somewhere in the middle of a desert. And then..." He paused. I could see the pain in his eyes. "And then what babe?" I asked. "They put these cloth bags over our heads and tied our hands behind our backs. I overheard people talking, but they were speaking in anothet language. I was standing beside Paul and one of the soldiers that was taken hostage along with us. We all stood in silence for a while but then they came over and took the bags off of our heads. They seperated us into two groups. It was me Paul, Shawn, and Bob in one group and the three soldiers in the other. One of the men aproached us and started to speak english. He asked if we were a part of the military and we said no. Then he asked what we were doing on the base and we explained about the concert and everything. A little bit later they let me and the guys go because we were no use to them, but before we let I...I saw..." He started to say, but then he began to cry.

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