Chapter 13

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(One week later) Scott POV: I have been coming over to Faith's house to help her with the girls for the past week. Ever since the news about Tim she has been so depressed. Most of the time she doesn't even want to get out of bed. The girls have been upset too, but it makes them more upset to see Faith like this. I want to tell her that the girls don't like seeing her this way, but I can't bring myself to do so. I mean, she lost the love of her life. That's not really something you can get over in a week. I know personally that it takes a while to even be able to continue on a normal life. When I lost my wife 5 years ago, I didn't think I would ever be able to go on living. And we had only been married for 6 years. Faith and Tim were married for 16 years! I can't even imagine the pain she is feeling right now. It was starting to get late so I walked up stairs to check on the girls one more time before I left. They were all asleep in Gracie's room. I guess it makes them feel better to have eachother there for comfort. When I walked back downstairs Faith was sitting on the couch. I went over and sat beside her. "Hey, are you alright. Wait, that was a stupid question. I know you're not alright." I said and she just looked at me. "Do you want me to do anything, or do you need anything before I leave?" I asked. "No, I'm fine...How are the girls? Are they asleep?" She asked. "Yeah, they are all upstairs in Gracie's room." I said. She stared at the table in front of the couch. It's so hard to see her like this. She is lost without Tim here.

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