Chapter 23

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Faith POV: When we got to the house I decided to look through some old pictures. I pulled out this huge box full of old stuff and took it to the living room. Then I sat down on the couch and started going through it. With each picture came the flashback of great memories. It's like bits and pieces of home movies were playing in my head. It made me happy to relive those times again. "Whatcha got there?" I heard Scott say as he was walking into the living room. "Just some old pictures. Wanna look through them with me?" I asked. "Nah, that's alright, I don't want to bother you." He said. "You won't bother me!" I said. Then he came over and sat beside me on the couch. He reached into the box and picked up a picture. "Oh man! You gotta tell me the story behind this one!" He said showing me the picture in his hand. I laughed once I saw it. It was a picture of Tim sleeping. He had makeup all over his face and arms. There were also a few bows in his hair. "That was back when Gracie and Maggie were 2 and 3 I think. We hadn't had Audrey yet. But Tim fell asleep in the middle of the afternoon and while I was cooking dinner the girls decided to give daddy a make over." I said laughing. "Man, I wish I would have had this a few years back. It would have been good blackmail!" He said and we both laughed. "What about this one?" He said as he handed me another picture. This one was of me, Tim, Gracie, and Maggie at the beach. "I remember that this was the night Tim and I told the girls that I was pregnant with Audrey. They were so happy! But they didn't really understand why they had to wait so long to see her. So for weeks after that, everytime Tim and I would come back home from doing a show or something, they would ask if I had the baby yet." I said. "That is adorable!" Scott said. I smiled. "It is. Then once I started to get a belly, Tim told them that my belly button was a microphone to the baby. And if they wanted to talk to her they would have to speak into it." I said laughing. "That is priceless!" He said as he touched my shoulder. I looked at him and he looked back at me. Before I knew it, we both leaned in for a kiss.

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