Chapter 32

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Faith POV: It was another crazy Monday school morning today at home. "Mom, did you wash my uniform jacket?" Maggie asked. "Yes honey, it should be in the laundry basket." I said. Audrey came into the kitchen with a brush in her hand. "Can you help me braid my hair?" She asked. "Yes, just give me one second ok?" "K." She said. "Mom I can't find it!" Maggie yelled from down the hall. "I'm coming Maggie." I said then I walked to the laundry room. "Your jacket is right here. I'm going to set it on the kitchen table." I yelled back to her. "Ok Audrey come here and let me see the brush." I braided her hair and then finished breakfast. Scott was outside working on his car, but I guess he heard all of the commotion and decided to come in. "Hey Faith, if you want I will take the girls to school this morning." He said. "That'd be great actually!" I said. The girls all ate their breakfast and went out to the car. I walked Scott to the door. "Make sure Audrey doesn't leave her lunch box laying in the seat again like she did last week." I said to him. "I won't... I love you." He said and then he kissed me. "I love you too. Now hurry up and leave before the girls are late for school." I said then he left. I felt like I finally had a chance to breathe. I walked over to the kitchen table and started to clean up the dishes. Then I poured myself a cup of coffee and went to the living room to sit down. I reached for the remote, but before I could get it the doorbell rang. "Ugh!" I said as I got up. I opened the door and my jaw dropped open. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Was I dreaming? This can't be real! It just isn't possible! "Hey honey." Tim said.

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