Chapter 12

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Faith POV: Mr. Wilson called my best friend Gaye, my brother Steve and Tim's manager Scott to come sit with me while they went to Tim's moms house to tell her about everything. Steven sat beside me and let me cry on his shoulder. "How am I suppose to tell the girls that their father is dead?" I said. "I don't know honey, I really don't." Gaye said as she placed her hand on my back. "Faith, would you like me to go get the girls from school now?" Scott asked. I shook my head yes and he left to go get them. (30 mins. later) Scott and the girls walked in, I tried to compose myself as best as I could. "Mommy, what's wrong?" Audrey asked. I took a deep breath. "Girls I...I'm not really sure how to tell you this." I could feel the tears coming on again. "But you know how daddy was playing that concert for the soldiers over seas?" I asked. They shook their heads yes. "Well during the concert last night they were attacked.." I started to say. "Is dad ok?" Gracie interupted. I shook my head no and started to sob again. "No honey, he's not." I said then I pulled them in for a hug.They all started to cry. "Is he dead?" Maggie asked. I never in a million years thought I would be saying this. "Yes." I managed to say. I could see the pain in their eyes. I would give anything to be able to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

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