Mutations: ~ Chapter Twenty Four ~

Start from the beginning

Panic seized me in a fiery grip as a bloodcurdling scream escaped me. Long talons emerged from small hands, and dug into his shoulder blades, making his back arch in agony as he roared incoherently.

My blood boiled as it raced through me, pulsing so loud in my ears that I couldn't hear anything else. Desperation melded with the sting of the ropes cutting into my flesh, it felt like they were tightening around my body with every breath I took.

"ERIC! NO!" My throat was raw from the screaming, "ERIC! FIGHT HER, WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? NO!"

Blood splattered from his mouth as he screamed my name. Throbbing pain chorused through me at the sight of the girl throwing him hard across the ground, her piercing talons tearing through his clothes with evert slash of her hand.

Eric was vulnerable tied up. He couldn't fight even if he wanted to! His eyes widened in a chilling fear when her claws tore through his skin, like it was butter. I felt like time was slowing down to punish me, forcing me to helplessly watch Eric's suffering.

My ears were ringing as his screams shattered the deathly silence around us. Blood sprayed from every wound, but he continued to scream my name, even as blood was gargled from his mouth.

Black dots blurred my eyes but my own pain didn't matter. I ignored the stabbing pain as I pulled tighter against the hard ropes, intent on getting out. I was aware of the shriek worthy pain of my bones cracking, and the popping noises that came from my joints, but I paid it no attention.

My focus pushed it out of my mind as I suddenly ripped myself off the wooden post, and I slammed hard into the girl, sending her sprawling away. But, she sprung up, and crashed back into me.

It was like all I could see was red. My hands gripped around the girl's neck, twisting it without a thought until it snapped, sending a satisfying crack through the air. Behind me was a gurgling noise, and I swung round just in time to see Eric's body shaking on the ground.

"Eric!" I gasped dropping down next to him, and his bloody hand gripped my wrist, smearing it in red warmth. He gasped as he struggled to breathe through the blood that pooled out of his mouth, and he frowned at me. A look of utter confusion crossed his features, mingled with a bitter betrayal.

"You could have...saved me!" He seethed digging his nails into my wrist, "You'll..kill us...all..."

Before any words could leave me, a boot suddenly slammed into my chest. I was sent sprawling backwards onto the hard ground, the breath knocked clean out of me.

What the hell? My ears were ringing as I picked myself back up, my heart stuttering at the sight of Eric. He was crumpled in a bloody heap on the now smooth, marble flooring. The setting had changed swift from outdoors, to indoors, and the dome like room had arched dark grey walls that basked us in darkness.

"Do it." Came an eerily calm voice from ahead of me. I tore my tortured gaze from Eric's body, and looked towards the sound of the silky voice, "This is what you were born to do. It's your birth right."

Two female figures stood ahead of me, silhouetted in the darkness of the dome. I walked closer seeing something else, and my instincts suddenly kicked back in, making me break into a slow jog.

I gained in my speed that had abandoned me before, and when my eyes suddenly slipped back into hyper focus, I nearly tripped over my own feet as my blood ran cold.

Lined up on their knees were all my Splice family, and their Handlers.

Five was doubled over with his eyes clenched shut in fear with Anders by his side looking just as scared but trying to conceal it. Three was beside them, he stared stoically at Emma as she trembled in confusion.

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