Chapter 18

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"Hershel sees those things in there as people, sick people. His wife, his step son." Dale chimes in, we look at him.

"You knew?" I question, he nods.

"Yesterday, I talked to Hershel."

"And you waited the night!" Shane yells.

"I thought we could survive one more night. We did." Dale turns to Rick. "I was waiting until this morning to say anything but Glenn wanted to be the one."

"That man is crazy!" Shane shouts.

-Skipping a few days-

It'd been a while now since what happened at the barn, Rick was out with Hershel. Right now the rest of us were outside the barn, Shane decided enough was enough and got everyone to join him in killing the walkers. So we were stood with guns in our hands, me and Hershel's family refused to help. I could see Shane trying to encourage Darren with helping him.

"Come on boy! We got to kill them now! The more people we have the better chance we got, now are you gonna join us or not!" Shane practically yells in his face, I see Daryl tense.

"Shane. Don't shout at him like tha'." I snap at him.

"Whatever, if you don't wanna help then fine! Just know you've got to do this one way or another or you're gonna get your self killed." Darren slowly nods and takes the gun from Shane, I shake my head. I look around to see Rick, Hershel, Jimmy and a new guy walking towards us, they had walkers on the end of some kind of stick. "Rick what the hell are you doing!" Shane yells.

"Shane back off." Rick replies.

"Why do your people have guns?" Hershel questions.

"Are you kidding me!? You see, you see what you're holding onto!?"

"I see who I'm holding onto."

"No man you don't." Shane starts circling the walkers they had on sticks.

"Shane, just let us do this then we can talk." Rick tries.

"Shane, please. Just ca-" I start.

"Why the hell are you always agreeing with him huh!? I thought we were together now?"

"We are."

"Then why don't you agree with me for once huh? Better yet if you're gonna keep agreeing with Rick why don't you be with him huh?"

"Shane listen to yourself."

"Those things ain't sick, they're not people, they're dead! Ain't got to feed them nothing cause you know what they do? They kill, these things right here! They're the things that killed Amy, they killed Otis, they're gonna kill all of us unless we do something about it!" Shane yells at me, I stand my ground and refuse to give up.

"This isn't our land Shane." I speak.

"We'll die if we don't do anything! You really want that Megan!? You have a kid who's here and one who's missing, let's say she's alive, how she gonna survive if she don't have her mum huh? She don't have her dad does she, she doesn't have no one else."

"Shane shut up!" Rick yells, he looks to Daryl for help but nothing.

"Hey Hershel man, let me ask you something." Shane takes his gun out.

"Shane don't."

"Could they walk away form this?" He shoots the walker Hershel had, he ignores everything Rick was saying. "That's three rounds in the chest. Could someone who's alive, could they just take that? Why is it still coming?" He shoots the walker in the chest again. "That's the heart, why is it still coming!"

"Shane enough!" Rick yells, Shane laughs.

"You're right, that is enough." He lifts his gun up and shoots the walker in the head, Maggie runs to Hershel's side. "Enough risking our lives for two little girls who's gone!" I clench my fists. I didn't listen  to what else he had to say. I just stared at him with anger, I could feel someone's gaze on me. I look around to see Daryl looking at me, he quickly looks away when he sees me looking. I turn back to Shane who ran to the barn and opened the two main doors, walkers soon pile out. One by one they get shot at until everything was silent, just as we thought everything was over we see another walker come out of the barn. It was a little girl, she looked familiar.

"Sophia!" Carol cries while racing to the barn, Daryl stops her from getting any closer. I look back at the little girl to see it was Sophia, Rick walks past with his gun and shoots Sophia in the head. I could hear Carol's cries, I walk over to the barn to make sure Rachel wasn't in there. I couldn't see her but I see 3 walkers crawling towards me, I stand shocked at who they were.

"Megan!?" I hear a voice ask by me, I look at the 3 walkers. Bang! Bang! Bang! The walkers stop crawling, they now lay there with bullets through their brains. I look next to me to see it was Shane. "Why didn't you you shoot Megan!" Shane says annoyed, I turn around and walk away from the barn ignoring him and others who were calling my name. "Megan!" Shane tries again.

"She didn't shoot because they were her family, family she hasn't seen in years." A familiar voice speaks, I stop dead in my tracks. "Her sister, brother in law and mother."

"Aunt Jess, Nan and Ron? No, they can't." I heard Darren mumble, I turn around and look at the new guy.

"Jamie." I speak.

"Megan." I run into his arms and burst out crying. "Hey it's okay, I'm here." Darren walks over to use and joins in with the hug.

A couple hours later we had a small funeral for Sophia, Hershel's family and mine, after the funeral I sat on the porch of Hershel's house. Shane was sat with me.

"So who's that Jamie guy?" He asks with a hint of jealousy in his voice, I smirk to my self.

"Do I hear jealousy in your voice Shane?"

"What? No. I'm just curious is all."

"My big brother."

"You have a brother?"

"Yeah, had 2 sisters too."

"I'm sorry about that, if I knew your family or Sophia were in there I wouldn't of done it."

"It's okay, you couldn't of known."

"But I. I don't even know." I give him a kiss before pulling away.

"It's not your fault Shane."

"So you're her new fella?" Jamie asks as he approaches us.

"Sure am."

"I'm gonna be honest with you Shane. I don't give a shit with all these walkers trying to take over, I give a shit that you kept shouting at my little sister earlier. And that Megan obviously cares about you but you're lying about something."

"Look I'm sorry about earlier but I ain't no liar."

"You sure about that?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure." Shane stands up so he was face to face with Jamie. "I have no reason to lie to anyone especially Megan, you got that?"

"Alright." Shane walks away. "Just know I'm watching." He shouts to Shane, I roll my eyes. Jamie looks at me. "What?"

"You never seem to like anyone I date." He laughs.

"That's not true."

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