Chapter 47

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His eyes read worry and fear, something I rarely saw him show. He was focused on me, his eyes scanning my body quickly before gazing back into my eyes. I could see anger soon filling his eyes once he saw the state I was in, my body was limb and weak.

"Do you have what we want?" Dustin asks.

"You've had your chance." Jamie points his gun to him, everyone now had guns pointing at each other.

"Shoot and she'll die!"  Drake yells in a deeper voice hoping no one would recognise him.

"I thought Dustin was in charge?" I remark, he pushes me to the ground. I see Daryl point his gun to Drake.

"Touch 'er again an' I'll kill ye'." Daryl threatens, I couldn't get up myself. Even though I was tied up it was only my hands bound, my legs refused to work. All my body did.

"That's right, I am in charge." Dustin confirms. "Which means you no longer are." He speaks to Drake, I knew straight away what would happen. Drake doesn't like being told what to do, one of the reasons I left him too. Because he always wanted control. I feel my body been lifted up so I was now forced onto my knees looking at everyone once again, so far it was only Daryl, Jamie and Glenn stood in front of the cars. I was expecting to at least see Rick too, I could see their confused looks as Dustin and Drake argue back and fourth. Well that was until a gunshot rang through the air and Dustin was no more.

"What the fuck Drake!" One of his members snap. "That wasn't the plan."

"Plans change. He knows who's in charge." Drake snaps back.

"Yeah well you blew your cover doofus." I smirk, pain spirals through my stomach as his leg collides with it. Daryl was the first to tackle Drake down to the ground next to me, both men now fighting one and other. I knew I should stop them knowing full well what Daryl is capable off but Drake deserved it. They all did, and well I was still tied up and in agony. Daryl was soon pulled off him by some of Drake's men.

"Drake?" Jamie questions. "Drake Rayne?" His identity was now discovered, just how I planned it. "You son of a bitch." Jamie steps forward only for a gun to be places against my head.

"Anymore idiotic moves and she's dead!" 

"And if your people do anything then my people will kill yours." Rick's voice booms as he appears from behind one of our trucks, gun pointed at Drake. "I have all your people in gun range, including you. You touch her or anyone else and they're dead."

"You're bluffing." Oh Drake. No, he's really not. I could tell with the tone of his voice and how serious he was.

"You really want to try me?" They had a quick stare off before Drake calls off his men. Daryl comes to my side. "You okay Megan?"

"Never better." I reply as Daryl unties me.

"We'll find you. And we'll kill you." Drake mutters as Jamie takes his gun away from him.

"Not if you're already dead." Jamie returns the comment.

"Can ye' walk"? Daryl asks, I shake my head. "What did they do te' ye' Darlin'?"

"Just get me out of here and kill him." I grit as he helps me to my feet.

"You heard her, kill them." Jamie states to Rick.

"I said him, not them." I struggle to move by myself, Daryl picks me up. "He did this. Just him." 

"Then it'll just be him." Rick confirms,  Daryl carries me to the truck and places me in the back seat. 

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