Chapter 9

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He turns around so that I had some privacy to get changed, once I was changed I laid on the bed.

"Ye' dressed yet Darlin'?"

"Yeah." He turns back around and lays on the bed next to me.

"He shouldn't have said anythin'."


"Darren. It wa' uncalled fer."

"He doesn't care. Hasn't for 5 years."

"Well he should start te' care. Yer' his mum."

"And you're his dad. Does he show that he cares for you?"


"Exactly. Doesn't care." We stay silent for a few minutes.

"Be careful." I look at him confused.



"Daryl I've told you already."

"I know. But please, ye' never know."

"Alright." I let out a soft sigh.

"Hey Darlin' can I ask ye' sumthin'."


"What happened te' yer family, when all of this kicked off?"

"Dunno. Laura was visiting me and the kids for a couple days when it all started, and by visiting she was trying to convince me to come see mum and dad with everyone else. All family was gonna be there, Jamie and his girlfriend. She was pregnant with his first kid, Jessica was there with her 3rd husband and 5 kids. All that was missing was me, that's why Laura came."

"I take it ye' didn't want te' be there while Jessica wa' there." I nod, he chuckles. "She seriously had 5 kids?"

"Yup, she had one with the husband she was with. One with her second husband, two with her first husband. Her first kid was from a short relationship."

"Any idea how old they'd be?" I think for a moment.

"Her first was a year after Darren, so he'd be 17. Her next two were twins, they'd be 14, her fourth would be 10 and her last would be 7."

"What 'bout Laura? She 'ave kids?" I chuckle.

"Oh yeah, she had 2. Said that was enough for her, they would have been 8 and 5."

"Ye' got a big family."

"I had a big family. Don't even know if they're safe or not, I may have not got along with them but I just hope they're safe. They've got their own kids, they need their parents." I let a tear slip.

"Come 'ere Darlin'." He pulls me closer to him and gives me a hug. "When can Rachel know?"

"I don't know." I feel him tense lightly but keeps a hold of me.

-Next day-

I grab my bag of books and make my way to the kitchen.

"Morning everyone." I speak, they all greet me. I sit down as Lori passes me a cup of tea, I nod my head at her.

"So Megan." Shane smirks a little.

"Yes Shane?"

"I heard you was with Daryl all night."

"You heard correct."

"Did you have fun?" He winks at me, I roll my eyes.

"Oh yeah, we had fun all night." Shane lets out a laugh.

Dammit Dixon (Daryl Dixon Love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ