Chapter 15

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"Or what Darlin'?" He smirks at me.

"I'll kick your ass Dixon."

"Sure ye' would." He rolls his eyes.



"Do you think I'm a good mum?" He gives me a confused look.

"Ye' thinkin 'bout yer' fight with Darren?" I nod slightly. "From what I've seen yeah ye' are. Always knew ye' would be."


"Yeah. I seen ye' with kids before when he worked as a teacher assistant, calmed 'em down."

"Yeah cause they were scared of you."

"Not my fault. They jus' weren't used te' a guy like me."

"You sure it was wasn't cause of your necklace you had?"

"Nuthin' wrong with tha' necklace."

"It was made of teeth Daryl, that's not good for kids."

"Not meant te' be." I chuckle.

"We should get back." He nods and we make our way back.

"You two okay?" Dale asks.

"Yeah. How about you?" I reply.

"I'm good thanks."

"Hey Daryl?" Carol asks.


"Can we talk?"


"I uh in private." I hold back my smirk as he looks at me not knowing what to do.

"Hey! Don't look at me! You're a big boy now Daryl, sweetie, honey, cutie pi-" I start.

"Shut up." I stick my tongue out at him.

"I'll leave you to it." I walk in the RV to see Andrea asleep, I quietly sit down and read one of my books. Not long after, Carol storms in the RV and slams the door causing Andrea to wake up. "You okay?" I ask politely.

"Why did you have to stay here! Why didn't you go with Glenn and T-Dog!" She shouts at me.

"Woah, I didn't do anything."

"You did! You showed up, he wasn't bothered about you before. Never mentioned you! He didn't care but now you show up and suddenly he shows interest! Why!"

"Again I didn't do anything." I chuckle and stand up with my bag and book. "Night Andrea."

"Night." She sighs lightly as Carol gives me a look.

"Carol." I smile before walking out of the RV.

"Darlin!" I hear Daryl call.

"Sup Dixon?"

"Ye' okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine."

"I uh 'eard 'er shoutin'."

"I thought it was funny." I shrug and go in his tent that we shared, he follows. "She likes you."

"I know. It's kinda weird." I chuckle at him.

"Typical Daryl." I get changed and lay down. "Well night."

-The next day-

We finally arrive at the Farm that the lady on the horse told us about, I park my truck before getting out and making my way over to Rick, Lori and Darren.

"Hey buddy." I give Darren a hug, he surprisingly hugs back. "You okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I turn to Rick and Lori. "How is he?"

"He'll pull through. Thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori replies.

"And Shane. We'd lost Carl if it weren't for him." Rick adds as Shane walks to us, he'd cut his hair off. I hide my smirk at how different he looks.

"Hey gorgeous." Shane smirks before giving me a hug.

"Hey cop." I hug back. "You okay?" I mumble, he nods his head. I pull away but he puts his hand in mine. I tense a little before calming down.

"How'd it happen?" Dale asks.

"Hunting accident. Just a stupid accident." Rick replies. After being introduced to the people at the farm and settling in we had a funeral for a man named Otis, he died while helping Shane savage some medical supplies for Carl at a former high school. After the small funeral everyone went to do their own things, I go up to Shane.

"You alright Shane?" I ask as he sits down by a tree.


"It wasn't your fault he died." I speak, he sighs.

"I know." I squeeze his hand lightly.



"Do I get to see now?"


"You said I had to see if we were a thing." I chuckle lightly as he smirks.

"Maybe." He leans in as his lips touch mine, he pulls away not long after.

"Good. Cause I want you to be mine." I nod.

"Nice hair cut by the way."

"Thanks." He smirks.

"Megan! Shane!" Rick shouts.

"Yeah?" I yell back, he motions us to go over to him. We do so, Shane keeps a hold of my hand all the way there.

"Maggie's got a map of the land round here, we can finally get the search organised properly and look for Sophia and Rachel." Rick informs us.

"I guess it's jus' me. I'm gon' head back te' the creek, work my way from there." Daryl says, Rick couldn't go because he'd given 3 units of blood for Carl, Shane's ankle would get worse if he went looking. I wanted to go but Shane wanted me close to him.  "Darren ye' wan' te' come with me?" Daryl turns to Darren who looks at me.

"Go, you might learn a thing or two." He nods as they both start walking away. "Be careful, both of you."

"Always Darlin!" Daryl yells back, I smirk to my self. After a while we set up camp. Hershel doesn't want us carrying guns on his farm, we agreed but requested only a rifle for lookout which would be Dale's rifle. Eventually Hershel agreed, everyone was doing their own thing. Me, Shane, Glenn, Maggie, Andrea, T-Dog, Dale and Lori were around a well, I felt sick with what I saw.

Dammit Dixon (Daryl Dixon Love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें