Chapter 14

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We lay in his tent, I feel a few tears come down my cheek.

"Darren's fine an' we'll find Rachel an' Sophia." He speaks, we were both laid on our backs. Just looking up at the tent.

"I hope we do. I can't loose another, I can't Daryl."

"We won't. I promise Darlin'." We lay silent for a while until he turns to face me. "So uh ye' an' Shane. Ya'll tegether yet?"

"What do you mean yet? You expecting it or something?"

"Yeah. I see how ye' two go off, I know he likes ye'."

"And how would you know that?"

"I 'ave my ways of knowin' things."

"Well I don't know what we are."

"Give it a try."

"Oh my god. The Daryl Dixon is allowing me to date other people, he's giving me permission. Holy shit where's the camera at? I gotta get this on video!" I say sarcastically, he nudges me slightly while smirking.

"Haha very funny Darlin'."

"I know. But seriously, why do you suddenly care?"

"As long as he don't hurt ye' or our kids he's okay sometimes." I roll my eyes. "Am serious Megs."

"I know you are Daryl."

"Ye' tell me if he hurts any of ye' okay?"

"Daryl. I know how to handle mysel-"

"We ain't doin' this again. Remember last time?"

"Yeah don't remind me."

'"Tha' shithead hurt ye'. I don't want ye' hurt again, I know I hurt ye' an' am tryin' te' fix tha'."

"Can we just sleep please? I don't want to talk about it." He nods.

"MOMMA! SAVE ME MOMMA!" Rachel screams as a walker bites into her leg.

"NO! RACHEL!" I cry out. "NOT MY BABY!" I run towards her and kill the 3 walkers that were now feeding of her, I collapse beside her and hold her in my arms.

"Momma. It- it hurts." She cries, I let the tears flow as I see her crying.

"Shhhh it's okay. You're gonna be okay baby girl, we're gonna get you all fixed up and better." I soothe as I stroke her hair out of her face.

"Am. Am I goin-going to die?"

"No! Don't you dare say that baby, you're gonna live. You're gonna prove everyone wrong okay? We're gonna show Darr how strong you are baby."

"I love you and Darr. Daddy too."

"I know baby girl. I know."

"Bye bye momma." She slowly closes her eyes as her breathing stops, I let my tears fall.

"Rachel! No baby please wake up, we can do this. Come on, we're Dixon's. We can fight anything. Wake up!. Please wake up,"

"Megs! Megan! Darlin'! Wake up! Come on." I bolt awake with tears in my eyes. "Hey. It's okay Darlin' am 'ere." I see Daryl looking at me with concern in his eyes.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." I calm my breathing down.

"Bad dream?"

"Yeah." I grab one of Daryl's spare shirts and put it on after taking mine off.

"I 'aven't seen ye' 'ave a bad dream in a while."

"Since I lived by you, I know."

"Are you two done screwing yet! We have my daughter to find and we gotta get to Lori and Rick!" I hear Carol yell, it was a bad idea to come out with things like that especially when I've just had a bad dream.

"Megs don't." Daryl tries, I get up and walk out of the tent.

"Finally took yo-" She starts.

"Listen 'ere Carol! I'm sick of how ye've been treatin' me! It's not jus' yer' daughter tha's gone! It's mine too, so stop been' a bitch an' wantin' all the attention cause ye' ain't got yer' daughter! 'Ere's news fer ye', I ain't got mine neither but ye' don't see me wantin' attention. I jus' wanna find 'em both, I've done nuthin' but be nice te' ye'. I've only snapped when ye' deserved it, I liked ye' but the way ye' been treatin' me I couldn't give a fuck 'bout ye' now. Stop bein' jealous too, no need te' be. Ye wan' him go ahead. I ain't stoppin' ye'." I snap at her.

"Megs." Daryl says as he puts a hand on my waist lightly, I see jealousy in Carol's eyes. "Yer' inner Dixon is showin'." He whispers, I let out a small smile. "Try an' calm down a bit yeah? Ignore 'er." I nod and put my head on his shoulder, it's been a long time since I did this with him. Back when we were younger we did things like this a lot, so to me it was normal to do it now.

"What's the plan anyway?" I ask.

"Everyone but Glenn and T-Dog are staying." Dale informs me, I nod slightly. It came to nightfall, Dale was on watch while Andrea and Carol sat in the RV. I sat in the back of my truck, I couldn't sleep with the noise Carol and Andrea were making with all their talking.

"I'm goin' fer a walk." Daryl states.

"Do you think that's a good idea right now?" Dale asks.

"I wanna shine a little light, if they're out there it'll give 'em sumthin' te' look at." Dale nods.

"I'm coming too." I say to Daryl who just nodded, we walk into the forest.

"Ye' know whenever ye' snap ye' seem te' 'ave yer inner Dixon showin'." He chuckles.

"Do not, I don't speak like you."

"Ask anyone, ye' know its true Darlin'."

"Okay maybe I do, so what?"

"Nuthin. Jus' funny an' reminds me of good ol' times when we were younger."

"Uhuh" He shines the torch in my face before shining it in front of us again. "Thanks for that."

"Sorry. Jus' checkin''."

"Checking what?"

"If ye' had the same look as everyone else"

"Which is?"

"I dunno, jus' wrong. We've only jus' started lookin', it ain't mountains of Tibet. It's Georgia, they could be hauled off in a farmhouse somewhere. People get lost an survive, it happens all the time."

"I know Daryl."

"Yer' only one who understands then. Did I ever tell ye' 'bout time I got lost?"

"Which time?" He chuckles.

"When I wa' younger than Sophia."

"Then no."

"I got lost fer nine days in the woods eatin' berries an' wipin' my ass with poison oak'"

"Did they find you or did you find your own way back?"

"My ol' man wa' off on a blender with some waitress, Merle wa' doin' another stint in juvy. They didn't even know I wa' gone, made my back though. Went straight into kitchen an' made myself a sandwich. No worse fer wear, 'cept my ass itched sumthin' awful." I laugh then quickly cover my mouth.

"That's not funny." I try.

"Really? Why ye' laughin' then?"

"Me? Laughing? Pffft." He smirks.

"If ye' say so. Jus' remember I know plenty of stories 'bout ye'."

"Well you can keep those to yourself."

"Where's the fun in that? I'm sure everyone would wanna hear some stories 'bout ye'."

"I'll tell them stuff about you Dixon."

"Ye know nuthin' Darlin'."

"You sure?" I let out a smirk, he does the same back.

"Nope, but sure would be nice te' hear some of these stories tha' ye' claim te' 'ave on me"

"One day Dixon you will, just be careful what you say."

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