Chapter 29

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"Megan there's sumthin' ye' should know." Merle says to me.

"What's that?"

"Yer family, they're 'ere. Jamie, yer dad, all of em. Nieces n nephews all tha' shit."

"You're serious?" He nods. "Great."

"They been tryin' te' keep Rachel so I don't get her, she don't like Jamie an' I know ye' ain't keen on yer family."

"There's something that happened when I last ran into Jamie, not good things either."

"We'll talk temorrow. Ye' need te' rest, follow me." I follow Merle to a house with Rachel still in my arms, we enter the house and he shows me a bedroom. "Ye' can 'ave my bed tenight, I'll get ye' a room tomorrow."

"Merle this is your bed. I ain't having it."

"Momma can share with me!" Rachel exclaims as I put her down, she runs over to a bed on the floor, I look at Merle with a questioning look.

"She didn't wan' te' leave my side." Merle murmurs, I laugh.

"Thank you for looking after her Merle."

"Don't mention it." We all go to bed.

-Darren's POV-

We found a prison a while after what happened at the farm, we cleared the entrance to it already. It was night now, I was sat next to Lori by the fire. She's pregnant, so hopefully this was going to be a safe place to stop from now on. I had my eyes on Carol was who talking with dad on top of a bus that was on the side, since the farm they've grew a lot closer than before. It annoyed me, because it's like he's just forgot about mom. I know how they feel about each other, they can deny it all they want but I know the truth. I wasn't fond of Carol either, she didn't like it when dad or me brought up mom. In fact she only spoke of mom when she was saying bad things about her and telling dad that she's there for him unlike her, he'd not say anything to her about it but I've been on the verge of snapping at her.

"You remind me of your mom." Lori chuckles, I look away from dad and Carol and look to Lori.


"She used to be jealous when Carol tried flirting with Daryl, used to sit like you are now watching them. Only difference is you're not jealous." I laugh slightly.

"I know dad still likes mum, he doesn't like to show it but I know. I saw him get jealous a few times when she was with Shane. But looks like he doesn't care now, he's happily moving along to Carol cause mom ain't here."

"That's not true, he's just been nice."

"Since when has dad been nice to anyone other than his family."

"You have a point but he's changing, we all know he's got a heart. He just doesn't show it."

"Still don't like it, all Carol does is speak shit about mum. Tells dad she'll be there for him cause my mum hasn't ever been there for him, she hates it when me or dad bring her up. Gives me a look every time I torment dad that he still likes mum, only thing that makes my day now. Seeing that I can piss Carol off."

"I'm sure she doesn't mean it on purpose."

"Oh really? You've seen what she's like."

"I know I have, she never used to be like it until she lost Sophia. Then again she did have Ed, but no one liked him. Not after what he did."

"Exactly, she was never like it till she lost Sophia. After that she blamed mom for everything, you heard how she told mom she wished Jamie took Rachel and me away so then she knows how she'd feel. Said how mom don't deserve her kids, she's had it in for mom since the day she lost her daughter! Now dads happily flirting with her."

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