Chapter 13

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"We need to talk."

"Now ain't the time Megs, ye' know tha' don't ye'."

"Of course I know. It's just this is important too."

"More important than tryin' te' find our kid an' Sophia?" He starts walking away, I take a deep breathe and let out a small sigh.

"We had another daughter." He stops in his tracks and turns to face me.


"When I met up with you and Merle after visiting mum and dad when I was 25, we were drunk and well yeah."

"Where the hell is she then!" He yells as Rick comes in.

"The bell was on an automatic timer." He says before looking at us. "Bad time?"

"No it's uh fine Rick." I say and start walking towards the door, Daryl grabs my wrist lightly.

"I want te' know where the hell our other daughter is!" Daryl yells. "Tell me!" I look up at him while holding back my tears.

"She's dead okay!? She died not long after I gave birth te her!" I get out of his grip and walk out of the church, I walk over to Darren.

"Mum? Are you okay?" Darren asks.

"Yeah I'm fine." I fake a smile as Rick and Daryl walk out of the church, Darren goes straight to Daryl and pins him against the side of the church.

"What the hell did you do to my mum!" Daryl doesn't struggle, he stays still.


"So why is she gonna cry huh! Only you was with her before Rick went in and I know that Rick has no reason to make her cry." I pull Darren of Daryl.

"He didn't do anything Darren." I say.

"Then why do you have tears down your face?"

"I told him about what happened when I was 26." He sighs and gives me a hug.

"If you hurt mum ever, I swear to god."

"Ye'll kill me? Get in line short round." Daryl speaks.

"Guys." I snap. "Leave it, right now we're focusing on Rachel and Sophia." Daryl grunts while Darren nods. "Like father like son." I mumble, I see Daryl smile a little.

"Shane and Megan with me." Rick orders.

"What?" Carol asks.

"Gonna take the creek bed back. We're gonna hang back, search this area another hour or so. Just to be thorough." Shane speaks

"Megan's stayin' with me." Daryl speaks, I could see that Shane also wanted me with him. But he nods slightly.

"I'll go in mums place." Darren steps forward.

"Darren." I start.

"No mum, I'm doing this okay? I'll be back I promise." I nod.

"I wanna stay." Carl pipes up.

"No way." Lori interjects.

"They're my friends. I wanna look too."

"Let him come. He'll be careful." Rick told Lori, it took a moment before she agreed. "Daryl you're in charge. Head back we'll catch up." Rick says, he nods. We all go our own ways, after a while we stopped to take a short break. Carol kept trying to get closer to Daryl, he didn't really notice as his eyes kept darting to me every few minutes.

"I see you have a gun." Andrea says to Lori.

"Why? You want it?" Lori snaps. "Here take it." She pushes the gun in Andrea's hand. "I'm sick of all the looks you're giving me." She adds. "All of you, only Megan hasn't." She looks at Carol and I as we sat down. "I can't imagine what you're both going through and I'd do anything to stop it, but Carol you've gotta stop blaming Rick. It's in your face every time you look at him." She sighs. "When Sophia and Rachel ran he didn't hesitate. Not for a second, I don't know if any of us would've gone after them the way he did or make the hard decisions that he had to make or that anybody could have done it differently." Everyone was silent.

"Lori's right." I speak up.

"You all look to him and then you blame him when he's not perfect. If you think you can do this without him, go right ahead. Nobody's stopping you." Andrea gave the gun back before we set off again, I was walking at the back with Lori, Carol and Daryl were in front. "I thought you had a thing with Shane." Lori whispers.


"Rick told me that you and Shane like each other, so I figured you know."

"I don't know. I'm just confused."

"Well in my opinion you seem to like them both, but you're a family friend of the Dixon's. That's why you look jealous." I grunt. "You even act like Daryl. You think Carol likes him?"

"I know she does."

"You really are jealous aren't you?"

"No reason to be."

"Well Daryl doesn't look at anyone else the way he looks at you."

"Right?" I question.

"Just saying."

It was the next day and we were worrying, a girl on a horse had just got Lori because Carl had been shot yesterday.

"Shot? What do you mean shot!" Dale asks.

"I don't know Dale, I wasn't there." Daryl replies. "All I know is this chick rode out of no where like Zorro on a horse an' took Lori."

"You let her!"

"Climb down of my asshole man." Daryl mutters.

"Rick sent her. She knew Loris name and Carl's." I speak he sighs and looks at Andrea.

"I heard screams, was that you?" He asks.

"She got attacked by a walker, it was a close call."

"Andrea are you alright?" She ignores him and storms over to the RV, slamming the door behind her.

"Someone's got an attitude." I mumble quietly.

"Come on Darlin'. Get some sleep, big day temorrow." Daryl takes my hand once everyone else was going to bed or on watch, Dale had set Daryl's tent up for us earlier so it was comfier than squishing in the RV and comfier than my truck.

Dammit Dixon (Daryl Dixon Love story)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें