Chapter 43

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"Go back Megs."

"Nope." He sighs.

"Why ye' gotta be stubborn?"

"You love it Dixon."

"I knew ye'd follow me." He avoids my comment.


"Cause I know ye'. Merle's yer family too, ye' care too much." I nod, it's true. I did care too much for these Dixon men, but why wouldn't I? We've been through near enough everything together, I wouldn't change it for anything.

"We'll find him Daryl." He nods, we keep walking. I don't see why Merle would do this, he's never done anything like this before. Well not in front of me anyway.

"Hey!" Daryl yells out, I see he was looking at Michonne. We run up to her, once we was close enough we slow down so we could hear her properly. "Where's my brother?" He takes a step closer to her. "Ye' kill him?" 

"He let me go." She speaks, my eyes widen. He did what? Somethings defiantly up, he wouldn't just let her go. 

"Don't let anyone come after us." We keep going in the direction Michonne said she came from.

"What the hell is he planning?" I grunt as we slow down.

"I don't know, but I don't like it whatever it is." 

"Do you think we're close?"

"Yeah. looks like it." He nods, I didn't really pay attention to where we were going. I just wanted to get Merle and get out of here, even I know it was dangerous to be out here. If someone especially the Governor finds us, we're screwed. I look around where we was, I knew this place. We were here when Rick and the Governor met.

"What the hell's happened here?" Dead bodies everywhere, some walkers were eating bodies of what looked like the Governors people. Daryl shoots one with his arrow that was close to us, I was about to shoot another until I realised who it was. They were looking at us with hunger in their eyes. "Daryl." He ignores me, I could hear him crying. The walker slowly made its way to us, Merle. No. He can't be. No. Daryl shoves him a few times before stabbing him onto the ground, I could see the tears in his eyes. I had to stand my ground and make sure no one was following us, I kept walkers away from us too. Daryl needed to do this. He keeps stabbing Merle over and over again, tears leaving his face. I haven't seen him cry this much before, I can't blame him though. I want to do the same thing, he eventually stops stabbing him and just sits crying. I sit down next to him, straight away he hugs me and just cries. I couldn't keep it in any longer, I start with the tears too while hugging him back.

"No!!!" He lets out a yell, it was like my nightmares all over again. After what felt like forever he eventually stands up. "We can't jus' leave him like this."

"We wont Daryl." I stand up. "Let's find something so we can try to bury him." We search around but the only we could find was a load of planks of wood and a ditch.

"We'll put him in there. Put the wood on top of him." I nod and help him, once we was done we start heading back to the prison. We didn't talk once while walking back, I didn't know what to say and I certainly knew Daryl didn't either.

              When we get back to the prison neither of us said anything to anyone, Daryl just went straight up the stairs and sat down against a wall. 

"Megan." Rick speaks. "Did you find him?"

"Yeah we found him."

"Where is he?" I look up to where I could only just see Daryl slightly.

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