Chapter 36

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"It's only getting worse out there. Dead everywhere and it's only making the living, less like the living."

"You're only decent folks we've come across." Sasha speaks, I look at her.

"Shame I cant say same about ye'." I snap at her.

"You got something against me?" She snaps back.

"Damn right I 'ave." She stands in front of me.

"And whats that huh?"

"Ye' tried te' kill my mom twice! Like hell I'm gon' think yer decent."

"Darren." Hershel tries but I didn't listen. I wanted this girl dead, she tries to act all innocent but like hell she is. I ain't letting her off that easy.

"Well that's cause I know the truth. She ain't gonna make it and when she turns shes gonna get you all. You're too weak to shoot her kid."

"Sasha! That's enough, the poor kid is protecting his mom. If they say shes alive then she is." Tyreese comments as he pulls her away from me.

"She ain't gon' die. Only person who'll die 'ere is ye' if ye carry on." I say to Sasha while looking her in the eyes.

"That's enough. Both of you!" Hershel commands, I sit back next to mom.

-Megan's POV-

"Mom?" I see Darren stood by my bedroom door.

"Hi sweetie."

"What's wrong mom?" I had tears in my eyes, me and Daryl had a fight. He came to my house to tell me that me and him getting back together wasn't a good idea, he didn't know that Darren was on his way back from staying at a friends house. When he left Darren saw him but thought nothing of it until now, he's 12 now. "Did that guy hurt you? If he did I'll get uncle Jamie on him, he'll sort him out." I laugh, he walks in and gives me a hug then sits next to me on my bed.

"It's okay sweetie. Just adult stuff that's all."

"Who was that guy anyway, I've seen a picture of him before."

"Where'd you see that?" I was curious now, I didn't keep pictures around of Daryl or Merle after I left. Yeah I should of kept them so then he'd know who his dad and uncle are but I just couldn't do it, not because I didn't want him to not know who his family is, but because Daryl didn't know. He left me before I could even have the chance to tell him, the only one who knew was Merle. Any photo's that I did have, I hid them away. I didn't really have a choice for Merle being the only one who knew, he came to pick something up from mine and heard me crying. He walked in and saw the test in my hands, at first he just stood there and then he just came and sat next to me. He let me just sit there and cry, he didn't expect me to talk. That was the one day where Merle actually hugged me first, any other time its usually me giving him hugs. He was never like that with anyone.

"Uncle Jamie has a picture of you, him, that guy and another guy. Said they're old friends."

"You could say that."

"So who is he?" I let out a soft sigh, maybe he is old enough to know. I cant keep this from him forever.

"You're old enough to know now, I just don't want you to be mad okay?"

"Tell me."

"He's your father."

"What?" He gives me a look. "That cant be, you never described him like that."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because he didn't know and he stated he wanted nothing to do with me. I tried to tell him but he'd never listen, he wouldn't listen to anyone."

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