Chapter 8

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"I'm all that's left." Jenner speaks before taking us to a room to have our bloods taken.

"Momma?" Rachel giggles.


"You don't like needles." She giggles more.

"I know." I shake my head as I see Darren get his blood taken.

"Want me to hold your hand?" Shane teases, I roll my eyes.

"I'd break it honey pie." I smirk little as Shane has his blood taken, he gives me a quick wink.

"Ow! Son of a!" He mocks before standing up and standing next to me, I smack his good arm.

"Arsehole." He lets out a laugh.

"It's just you left now Megan." I freeze a little knowing there was no way I could get out of this, I see Shane smirk while Rachel starts to giggle. I sigh as I sit down, Jenner gets the needle ready. I look at Daryl, he quickly looks away.

"All done." I nod and stand up with the help from Shane who was holding back a laugh.

"Don't even think about it Shane." I grumble which makes him let out a grin.

"Momma's scared. Look Darr! She's gone all pale like she did when she last had a needle." Rachel starts laughing at me.

"You find it funny seeing your momma scared huh Rachel?" Shane teases, she nods her head while giggling.

"Only when it comes to needles. It makes me laugh every time. She looks funny when she has needles near her." She replies.

"Why doesn't Rachel get told off but I do?" Shane complains.

"Because I love Rachel and she'd kick my ass."

"I wouldn't kick your bum momma. I'd kick daddy's bum for leaving though, daddy needs to come back don't he momma?" I let out a nervous laugh.

"We'll see what happens huh?" She nods before we all follow Jenner out of the room, I look at Daryl who gave me a sad look.

-At Dinner-

"You know in Italy children have a little bit of wine with dinner. And in France." Dale states to Lori.

"And when Carl is in France or Italy he can have some." Lori resorts.

"What's it gonna hurt? Come on." Rick chuckles, Carl has a small taste of wine. His face cringes in disgust.

"Ewww." We start laughing.

"That's my boy. That's my boy." Lori speaks.

"Momma?" Rachel's eyes brighten up as she looks at the wine that Carl had tried.

"No way baby girl."

"Please. Darr's having a lot of it." She tries to do her famous puppy dog look.

"He's of age."

"Pretty please."

"No. Sorry sweetie." She starts to cry, I feel a bit embarrassed knowing that she was going to start throwing a tantrum. "Rachel." I say calmly


"What do I say when you say that honey?"

"I want never gets, pleases to late..." She folds her arms and pouts.

"Exactly. You're not having any."


"Rachel." Daryl pipes up, she looks at him and immediately stops crying. He nods his head slightly.

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