Chapter 39

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"So I 'eard Rick dont trust ye'."

"That all you heard?"

"He got ye' shot, should of seen Daryl when Darren told him. Thought world war 3 was gon' go off." I chuckle. "How ye' feelin' anyway?"

"I feel fine, just a bit of pain. Nothing I cant handle."

"Can I ask ye' somethin'?" I nod. "Do ye' love him?"

"Merle, why do you always ask me that?"

"Cause I like hearin' ye' say it, gives me more reason te' torment Daryl."

"And?" He grins.

"An' Daryl wanted te' know earlier."

"He did?"

"Yup. He wa' scared ye' didn't love him no more."

"Why is he scared?" Before he could reply Rachel comes running up to us, she had tears in her eyes. "Rachel what's wrong?" I crouch down to her as she hugs me.

"Carol told daddy that uncle Merle's no good for him." She cries, I tense lightly but stop when she holds out her hand for Merle to take through the bars. He does so and smiles down at her.

"Honey it's okay." I say. "Just ignore what she says, she's just being silly."

"Yer moms right kid, she is being very silly." Merle comments.

"Okay." She wipes her tears.

"Did yer dad say anythin' back te' her te' defend himself?" She shakes her head.

"You okay Michonne?" I look at her.

"Yeah. How you feeling?" She replies.

"Just great." She nods.

"Uncle Merle will you tell me a story please?" Rachel asks as Daryl and Carol walk down, I give them both a glare.

"Maybe temorrow."

"Carol?" I ask, she looks to me.


"Do you mind not telling Daryl that Merle's no good for him especially in front of Rachel, she adores them both. You made our daughter upset by saying that." I didn't fancy arguing with her, she did help look after me when I was unconscious after all.

"Sorry." She mumbles.

"Dad. You're gonna want to see this." Carl says while in the door way, everyone but me, Hershel, Rachel, Merle, Beth, Michonne and the baby who was in Beth's arms go outside.

"How you feeling Megan?" Hershel asks.

"Just a bit of pain that's all. Thanks for looking after me by the way."

"Always. You're like a daughter to me." I give him a hug, we all head into the entrance of the cell block. I knew this place like the back of my hand, I worked here at one point. I see Andrea walk in with the others, she hugs Carol.

"After you saved me, we thought you were dead." Carol speaks, she looks at Hershel.

"Hershel, oh my god." She looks around. "I can't believe this. Where's Shane?" I roll my eyes. I know it's stupid still disliking her for what she did but people think now cause we have walkers to worry about then it's perfectly fine to do the stuff that wasn't fine before any of this. She looks to Rick. "And Lori?"

"She had a girl. Lori didn't survive." Hershel says.

"Neither did T-Dog." Carol adds.

"I'm so sorry. Carl, Rick I-" She stays quiet. "You all live here?."

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