Chapter 23

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"Didn't peg ye' fer a desperate son of a bitch." Daryl comments.

"Your opinion makes a difference."

"Man ain't nobody lookin' at me fer nuthin'."

"Carol is and I am. I'm sure Megan and Darren are too." Dale sighs as Daryl looks at me. "Right now. And you obviously have Ricks ear."

"Rick looks te' Shane, let him." Daryl starts to walk away.

"You cared what happened to Sophia and Rachel. Cared what it meant to the group. Torturing people that isn't you, you're a decent man. So is Rick." Daryl looks at Dale. "Shane not so much"

"Got that right." I mumble.

"Whys that. Cause he killed Otis?" I look to Daryl, how did he know? I thought I was the only one who knew.

"He told you that?"

"He told some story how Otis covered him, saved his ass." Dale nods. "He showed up with the dead guys gun. Rick ain't stupid, he didn't figure it out cause he didn't wanna. Like I said, groups broken." Daryl walks away with Darren.

"He's right about what happened with Otis." I say.

"Shane tell you?"

"I figured it out not long after what he told us. Just didn't say anything cause I didn't want to believe it, and I didn't think anyone would believe me."

"I'm sorry about what happened with Shane. I should of told you."

"It's fine Dale, really" He nods his head. "I'm with you on this by the way." He lets out a big smile.

"Thank you."

-In the meeting-

"So how do we do this? Just take a vote?" Glenn asks.

"Does it have to be unanimous?" Andrea questions.

"How about majority rules?" Now Lori.

"Well let's just see where everybody stands then we can talk through the options." Rick tells us.

"Well where I see it, there's only one way to move forward." Shane pipes up while looking at me, I give him a look.

"Killing him right? I mean why even bother to even take a vote, it's clear which way the winds blowing." Dale speaks.

"If people believe we should spare him I wanna know." Rick says.

"Well I can tell you it's a small group. Me, Megan and Glenn." I nod as he looks to Glenn.

"Look I think you're pretty much right, about everything all the time but." Glenn starts.

"They've got you scared."

"He's not one of us. And we've lost too many people."

"I wasn't one of you either but none of you decided to kill me did you? You let me and my family in, you let us stay. But that doesn't mean we kill him cause we've lost people." I speak up. "We kill walkers not people."

"We kill anyone or anything that attacks us." Shane snaps at me.

"So why ye' still 'ere then?" I snap with a straight face, he takes a step towards me.

"Touch 'er an' I'll kill ye' myself." Daryl threatens.

"Enough!" Rick shouts. "Shane leave it." Dale looks at Maggie.

"Do you agree with this?" He asks her.

"Couldn't we just continue keeping him prisoner?" Maggie asks.

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