Chapter 31

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"He got bit." I speak.

"Bit?" He takes out a gun, me and T-Dog point our guns at him.

"Whoa, whoa. Whoa nobody need te' get hurt." Dad speaks, I help Rick with Hershel.

"Don't look like no rescue team." One of the prisoners speak.

"If a rescue teams what you're waiting for, don't." Rick speaks as Glenn brings a trolley to carry Hershel on. "We gotta go! One, two, three go." We lift Hershel onto the trolley.

"Are you crazy!? Don't open that!" Another prisoner yells to us.

"We got this." T-Dog nods to me, he opens the door and kills a walker. We all rush out.

"Dad? Dad!" I yell, he was still pointing his crossbow at them. We get back to the cell block, me and dad stand watch knowing they'd follow after us. They soon enough enter the entrance to cell block C.

"Tha's far enough." Dad speaks, I had my hand on my gun ready to point it at them if need be.

"Cell block C. Cell four that's mine gringo let me in." The prisoner with the long hair demands, dad keeps his crossbow pointing at him.

"Teday's yer lucky day fellas. Ye've been pardoned by the state of Georgia. Yer all free te' go."

"Listen kid." The long haired prisoner says to me. "Don't be stubborn like your dumb mother and let me in."

"What the fuck did ye' jus' say." I snap at him while stepping forward.

"Oh we all knew your mum, she worked here for a while. Everyone wanted a piece of her, sexiest girl here." I see dad tense. "She slapped quite a few of us a lot of times, it's what we all looked forward to. We touch her when we can and she'd slap us, I'll tell you what. I think she played favourites, let a few prisoners get what they want if you know what I mean."

"You best shut the hell up." He laughs, I knew for one mum would never do that. Especially with people like him.

"You the dad of her kids ain't ya?" He looks to dad while laughing. "She had a picture of you all in her office. I would of thought it'd be the older guy in the picture that was the dad but then again she likes her younger ones don't she?"

"Shut up an' leave." Dad snaps, I could tell he wasn't pleased about them speaking about mum.

"What's going on in there?"

"None of yer concern." He pulls out a gun from his pocket and points it at us.

"Don't be telling me what's my concern."

"Don't even think about it." I say waiting for right time to pull out my gun.

"Lets see what's quicker huh kid?"

"A gun an' an arrow right in yer head." I snap while pointing my gun at him, he smirks lightly.

"You really gonna kill me kid?"

"If I have to yes."

"Chill man. Dudes leg is messed up, besides we're free now. Why are we still here?" The tallest prisoner speaks.

"Man got a point." Dad says.

"Yeah and I gotta check on my old lady." Another says.

"Group of civilians breaking into prison you got no business being in. Got me thinking there ain't no place for us to go." The guy with the long hair who I figured was the leader of that small group speaks again.

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