Chapter 6

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"MOMMA!" I hear Rachel scream, I turn to see Darren holding her. I run up to them and embrace them both in a hug.

"Oh thank god." I hold back the tears. "Are you both okay?"

"We're fine Megan." Darren speaks as he steps away from my hug.

"Lori and Shane protected us." Rachel tells me while wiping her tearful eyes.

"I remember my dream now. Why I dug those holes." Jim speaks, there were bodies all over camp. We clean up, burning the bodies of the walkers and burying the dead from the group.

"She still won't move?" Rick asks Lori, Lori and Shane say something before Rick goes over to Andrea. She pulls a gun on him which makes him back off.

"Momma?" Rachel says, I look at her.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Is Amy dead?" I sigh lightly.

"I'm afraid so." She gives me a sad look before looking down at the floor.

After a couple hours I was sat listening to a debate with what to do with Amy and Jim, Daryl tried to kill Jim but Rick stopped him. Everyone proceeds to deal with what they're doing, I walk over to Lori.

"Thanks, Lori." I say.

"For what?"

"Protecting Rachel and Darren." She gives me a small hug.

"You would have done the same with Carl."

"I owe you."

"Hey." Rick speaks as he walks up to us, I give him a nod.

"I'll leave you to it." I walk over to Shane who was stood leaning against a tree looking into camp.

"Nice view?" He jumps a little, I let out a small smirk.

"I guess." He looks at me. "Come to lecture me? On Rick's side?" He snaps.

"Hey! I don't know what ye' two said an' frankly I don't care. Jus' as long as my kids are safe." I snap back as he looks away, a few minutes passed. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"Protecting my kids." He nods.

"No problem. Your Darren is a good kid you know."

"Good to everyone but me."

"He's just angry. Needs to learn to talk about how he feels."

"He's been like it after Rachel was born."


"I told him who his dad is when he was 12. After that I got pregnant with Rachel and then I had her, he turned 13 a few months after and he wanted Rachel to know who her dad is but I said no cause he didn't want anything to do with us. After that it's been downhill."

"Teenagers." I chuckle.

"More like cops."

"Hey!" I give him a playful wink. "We're not that bad."

"Sure." I say sarcastically.

"We're not. I just happen to be a good looking nice cop."

"One of those are right." He looks at me.

"Which one?" I smirk and start walking back to camp, once I get half way I feel myself been hugged from behind. "I asked you a question ma'am." I chuckle lightly.

"Sorry? I don't understand, what question?"

"You asked for it." He starts to tickle me, I let out a little scream before getting out of his hold.

"That's not fair!" He laughs.

"Answer my question then."

"No. Leave 'em wanting more." I start to walk away again, he soon catches up to me and smacks my ass.

"You'll be running to me wanting more baby." He smirks before going to Lori, I shake my head as I sit with Andrea.

"Hey." She stays silent. "I'm not gonna give you the 'I'm sorry for your loss' crap. I know how it feels."

"How would you know?" She snaps, I roll my eyes.

"I lost my sister to this too. Right at the beginning and before any of this I lost a kid. That, I've never told anyone accept Darren."

"So why tell me?"

"Because I know what you're feeling."

"Momma?" Rachel walks up to me.

"Yeah honey?"

"Darr gone."

"What? Where is he?"

"I don't know momma." I stand up and go to take Rachel's hand.

"I'll watch her." Andrea speaks.

"You sure?" She nods.

"Thank you." I grab my bow and arrow and look around camp first then head to the forest once I see that Darren wasn't here, I get further into the Forest. "Darren!?" I shout, I hear a groan. I quickly turn around to see a walker behind me, I go to grab my knife but it falls down with a knife in its head. I look to see Rick stood in front of me.

"Megan, what are you do- What's wrong?" He sees the tears down my face.

"Darren. He's gone I can't find him."

"Hey it's okay, we'll find him." He gives me a hug, we search around a little while longer. Rick keeps giving me worried looks. "He can't have gone far, he doesn't seem like someone who would just run off without a good reason. And I know from the look in his eyes he wouldn't leave his little sister."

"I know. I've already lost my family, I can't lose anymore Rick. They're all I have."

"You have me, Lori, Carl. And probably everyone else in the camp too. "

"Thanks." He gives me a small smile, we hear something in the bushes. I turn to face the bushes with my bow and arrow ready, Rick had his gun ready. I let out a small sigh as I see Shane and Dale come from where the noise was coming from.

"Megan? What are you doing out here?" Shane asks.

"Darren's gone, she can't find him." Rick replies for me, they give me sympathetic looks. We continue to look for Darren, after half an hour we had to head back to camp with it starting to get dark, when we arrive back in camp I see Darren sat sharpening a long stick.

"Darren!" I run up to him. "Where the hell were you!? I was worried sick."

"Relax! God Megan I was hunting." He snaps at me, I could tell he was lying about why he left.

"Don't call me M-" I start.

"I'll call you whatever I want. You can't control me!"

"Yer my son! I'm tryin' te' protect ye'!"

"You're not fit to be a mum! You're just a stupid bitch that I ended up with for a so called mum!" I hold back my tears as the others watched. "Don't you have anything to say now, that's a first."

"Darren. I."

"No. Don't even try starting with 'oh I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I can't be a good mum.' It's all bull shit. You don't care about anyone but yourself, that's why it took you 12 years to actually tell me who my dad is. That's why Auntie Laura died."

"You know none of that is true, you and Rachel have always been my number one. Laura died because they got to her, there was nothing I could do about it." I say calmly.

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