Chapter 50

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A month has passed by now, not much has really happened. I'm still kept in the cell but Rick tries to get me out as much as possible, I've been having a few nightmares. Daryl is always the first outside my cell when they happen, I swear he purposely sleeps by the door. He always welcomes me with a smile, something he hasn't done for a long time. And honestly it's been making me feel better, it makes me forget what happened.

"Mornin' Darlin'." Daryl's voice rings out, I smile.

"Morning Dixon."

"I see ye' slept better last night."

"I did indeed."

"Good. I don't like it when ye' 'ave nightmares."

"Me neither." He unlocks my cell and walks over to me as I get up, he was a lot closer than I expected him to be. "Bit close Daryl."

"I know." He smirks.

"What you smirking at?"

"Well. Rick said he's gon' let ye' out teday."


"Yeah, out as in like the rest of us. He's talked to everyone an' they all agreed it's okay."

"Wait, really?" The question is, do I trust myself? I must admit I've been doing a lot better but what if it happens again. What if this time it's my own kids or Daryl, Carl, anyone.

"Hey, look at me." I follow his orders. "I believe in ye', an' I know somewhere deep down ye' do too. I know yer worried, do ye' trust yerself?" I think for a moment before nodding. "So come on lets go fer a walk." He takes my hand and leads me to outside, the sun was shining bright. I'd say it was silent but the walkers were making their usual noise to try and get to us. Daryl still hadn't let go off my hand, he was being sweet which was very unlike him. Although I must admit, I don't mind it when he's like this. I look at Daryl who's face was covered by the sun, I could see his eyes squinting as he looks on in the distance.

"Out of all the things te' look at out 'ere and ye' look at me." Daryl smirks, I quickly look away.

"Whats the plan for today?" I wonder.

"Well I wa' thinkin' we could go huntin', me, ye' an' our kids." I stop in my tracks. "What? Is there sumthin' wrong?

"No, nothings wrong. I'm just. Just thinking about when you used to take me hunting." He laughs.

"They were fun times, I want te' be like tha' again."

"It's a bit harder to do that now a days Daryl."

"I know Darlin', tha's why we're gon' try as a family." A smile creeps to my face, he squeezes my hand lightly. "Kids are ready so lets get goin'." We go to the gate where indeed Darren and Rachel were waiting along side Rick.

"Thank you Rick, for this." I speak.

"It's alright, all of us believe the past month you've gotten better. And it doesn't seem like you're having any... outbursts."


"Come on, time te' hunt." With my hand still in Daryl's we make our way into the woods with Darren and Rachel by our sides. Rachel was still a bit funny with me since I scared her, Daryl keeps trying to convince her there's nothing to be scared off. Darren tries too but she doesn't listen, the only way to make her comfortable with me again is for me to prove it to her. Which she takes after her dad a lot with that, and maybe a little bit of me.

"Dad look, a rabbit." Rachel points as we come to a stop, he lets go off my hand and bends down to her height.

"Remember what I said." Daryl whispers, she nods and aims up her gun. It had a silencer on it so no one or nothing could hear us and with a single shot the rabbit was no more.

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