I put my phone away. I really was excited for everyone to see it aslong as no one watched it while they were with me as I would find that really embrassing.I start looking around. I turn around and look a t everyone. "Omg I have a fabulous idea", I say as they all look at me. "Ooh what?" Said Daniel. "Let's have a massive sleepover tonight be fore you all leave", I say. "Yess lets do it", said Loren. "What all of us?" Said Jovani. "Um yes why not?" I say. "But where?" Said Jacob. "My hotel room of course, I mean it may be a bit cramped but it is a big room and there are always sleeping bags", I say. "I mean why not", says Brandon. "I won't have to share a bed with Cam this time will I?" Said Hunter. "As long as you don't break any more of my watches", I say laughing at him. "Oh yeah how is your watch?" He says. "Still sitting on the side broken", I say as me, Hunter and Blake begin laughing. "Hunter your face was priceless", said Blake. Everyone else was really confused at this point. "What happened?" Said Zach. "Basically Hunter broke my $200,000 customised Chanel Prive Camélia watch when him and Blake stayed over and it was so funny because he thought I was gonna sue him", I say as everyone else begins laughing. "Seriously I can imagine Hunter's face", said Mark. "Me too", said Loren. "Guys just be careful when you go to Phoebe's hotel room there is expensive and easy to break stuff everywhere", said Hunter. "Well Blake mangaged not to break anything and the boys haven't broken anything yet", I say. I pick up a bottle of Chanel chance for Madison and a facial toner and mosturizer for me. There was an even bigger crowd outside the shop now. Not just paparazzi but fans also. It's like a 15 minute walk to get to my hotel from here. "We can't walk 15 minutes with this crowd", I say. "But how else will we get back to your hotel?" Says Julian. "I know, we have a mini bus back at the hotel that we sometimes use to travel to events, we can use that", I say. My security go back to the hotel and then bring the mini bus to  the shopping centre so we can get back to the hotel  while we wait in the Chanel shop. When the mini bus gets here the assistants at the store let us leave out the back and we all get in the mini bus. We all get in a seated. "Oh can we stop of at our hotel so we can get some stuff for the night?" Said Julian. We stop off at the hotel they are staying at first and they all gather a few bits to stay the night at my hotel. We then all get back into the mini bus and get back to my hotel.

We go on our way up to my hotel room that I share with a few I the boys and we start messing on the way in the corridors. Me and hunter start to play leap frog at it was really fun. We make it to my room at last. I search through my bag for a room key. "I'm scared to meet the boys", said Ari. "Same", said Ariel. "Don't worry they are really nice and they aren't even scary", I say. I open the door and we all enter. The boys weren't there, then I see a note on the side that said:

We have gone out and should be back soon🙂

"The boys have gone out. I should probably phone them and let them know you are all staying the night", I say. I start to FaceTime Cam and he answers. "Sup Phoebe", he says. "Just wanted to let you know we have like 13 extra people staying with us tonight", I say. "But where are they gonna sleep?" He says. "Well I was thinking we could all sleep in You, me, Nash and Taylor's room. Anyway I have to go now bye", I say hanging up before he could get another word in.  "I've checked with the boys and you guys can all stay!" I say. "How many of us are staying in this room?" Said Mario. "Well, there is me, you, Hunter, Blake, Brandon, Geo, Julian, Jovani, Loren, Joey, Ariel, Zach, Ari, Daniel, Jacob, Mark, Hayes, Nashly, Cam, Taylor, Carter, Aaron, Shawn, Jack, Jack and Matt. So that's 26", I say. "That's a lot of people for one room", said Mark. "This room is pretty big though and it will be fun", said Hunter."yeah it will be great, last time Hunter and I had great time last time", said Blake. "Even if I had to share a bed with Cameron", said Hunter. "Well I had to share a bed with Phoebe and it was pretty cool, we watched mean girls", said Blake. "It was pretty fun", I say. "I feel like Phoebe and Blake would be a really cute couple", said Loren. "OMG I TOTALLY SHIP IT", said Ariel. "ME TOO", said Daniel. Blake and I look at eachother and start laughing. "What it would be cute", said Jacob. "We are good thanks", I said. "Agreed", said Blake. "I think that the one we should be finding a boyfriend for is Ari because she is the only single girl here", I say. Suddenly everyone looks at me. "So your have a boyfriend?" Said Joey. "Yes", I say looking at the ground. "Tell us who it is now", said Loren. "Why should I tell you guys?" I say. "Because we are your friends", said Brandon. "I'm not sure if I should", I say teasing them. "At least give us a clue", said Ari. "They are in Magcon", I say. "Are they older than you?" Said Geo. "Everyone in Magcon is older than me well apart from Hayes but, it's not him", I say. "Are they really?" Said Mark. "Yes they are all older than me apart from Hayes", i say. "How much older?" Said Geo. "wow this feels like an interrogation"? I say. "It is, now answer the question Phoebe", said Hunter. "He is 4 years older than me", I say. "So he is 20?" Said Jacob. "Yes. No more questions I am sure you can figure it out for yourselves now", I say.

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