Wolf 24

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Kyungsoo's steps slowed upon seeing me. I caught him pulling his riding hood closer to his body as if it could prevent the cold from seeping right through him. The afternoon breeze is colder in the forests and the darkness is faster to creep. The smoke is almost gone now and by the looks of it, the rest of the pack already left the forest. For good.

I stepped towards the wooden bridge. "I'm sorry for leaving without a word," I called out just when he's about to reach the bridge's other end. "It was an... emergency."

"I know," Kyungsoo mutters, nodding his head. The wide red hood is hiding most of his face and I can't see much of his reaction. Just like before, he's carrying a basket of fruits and he's wearing his old worn out boots and the red riding hood that is so red it looks like fresh blood. The wood creaks under our feet as Kyungsoo walked towards me, his eyes wide and curious. "May I know what happened?" he slowly looked around. "And what are you doing here?"

"Baekhyun was... attacked." I answered, slowly reaching out to push hid hood lower so I could see his face. Kyungsoo's face flashed pure worry but I beat him to saying anything. "But he's fine now. Don't worry."

He very slowly nodded his head but he still looks worried. "Is he inside?" he asked and his brows are creased together. "Can I see him?"

"They're asleep."

Kyungsoo's frown deepened. "What? They?"

"Oh," I shrugged. "Chanyeol's inside, too."

There are beads of slowly appearing on Kyungsoo's forehead and I slowly wiped them with my hand. He stares up at me, meeting my eyes and never daring to look away. It's quite unimaginable now that everything started with me meeting him and falling in love with him. Looking at this 'little' creature, who would have thought he could cause large disasters? I felt a smirk appear on my face with the thought.

"What's so funny?" Kyungsoo asked, frowning. "Did something good happen?"

I smiled at him. "You're here, right? I think that's something good."

Kyungsoo bit his lip to stifle a grin. "Well." he nodded slowly. "It's good to know you're super fine." His frown slowly vanished to be replaced by a look of relief and a small smile appearing on the side of his lips.

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