Wolf 18

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It has been three full days after my father's 'death'.

The pain on my chest started to cease and reality finally found its way to my bones, making it harder for me to move and think about certain things. All members of the pack are looking up to me now, with the exception of Kris and his friends who definitely think I am not for this position.

What's bad is that, I also feel the same way.

Father's study is filled with old papers and photos I never had the chance of seeing until now. My Mother's portrait hangs on the left wall, taking up a pretty large space. She doesn't look like me at all. They said what I got from her is her character.

The sudden knock on the door made me stop flipping through an old notebook filled with names of werewolves from all over the world. I let out a sigh, whispering, "Yes?". I don't even have to look to see it's Chanyeol. I could smell him the moment he walked up the stairs.

"Busy?" he asked before closing the door behind him, leaving me with no choice. He sounded stern and the slight frown on his forehead tells me he's up to something.

I slowly shook my head, flipping the notebook close. "What is it?" I looked up at him, propping my chin on my right palm. Chanyeol let out a long sigh before walking up my desk and sitting on the edge of it. The old wood creaked under his weight and I leaned closer so we could speak in whispers.

Chanyeol is a very close friend of mine. We grew up together, we made ourselves future plans we promised to reach. Together with Baekhyun and Sehun, we've created a friendship as deep as brotherhood. I know in my heart that they'll be there no matter what. We promised each other that one thing.

"Everyone's waiting." he muttered, throwing glances around the room.

I know that fact but I don't like hearing it. "I might call for a gathering." I whispered, eyeing the old paper under my palm. It feels so rough and withered that I am suddenly afraid of tearing it to pieces.

Chanyeol's head swept to look down at me. "Are you changing something?"

"I want to change some... traditions." I met his eyes but his look is too intense I have to withdraw my glance. I cleared my throat and tried to act composed but nervousness is eating me.

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