"Average" girl

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Chapter 81 ( I'm gonna post all the chapters I've already written so far.)


I peered into the hallways and I could hear the whispers. I had on my acid wash jeans and a pair of red timberlands on.

The school was awkward. I was silent as people constantly talked shit after shit. Jamal wasn't in but it hurt. It hurt to know that someone you were with is out of your life. Geo was absent too but even if he was here no one would have the balls to actually talk shit around him cause they know damn well they would get fucked.

I came home and did my homework. My mama and Chris weren't there but right when I heard the door bell ring I panicked. Breath Kimberly. Breath. I stood up and opened it. There he was.  My heart pounced against my chest.

"Why would you do some type of shit like that"

"I'm sorr--"

"No Kim sorry ain't gon' fix anything. It's the fact that I trusted a bitch like you."

He called me a bitch.

"You lied to me. "

He and I were both quiet.

"You don't get the fact that I actually liked you. But you know you wanna be the bitch that don't wanna be commited in a relationship. Always want more."


"Shut up. I wasn't finsihed. You deserve to be labeled as a hoe cause that's exactly what you is. So don't expect me to feel bad fa' you cause I don't. You humiliated me not with just people from the school. But in front of everyone in the damn world. I mean how stupid could yall be to kiss in front of the fucking cameras?" He shook his head, "should've never messed with a dumb ass like you. I bet I would've been better off with Tracy."

He walked off as I closed the door. I had no tears in my eyes. I was sorry. But I wasn't feeling anything. Fuck Jamal.

S c h o o l

It was lunch and since the table I sat at was petty as hell and took Jamal's side they made sure to fill the seats up so that I couldn't sit there. Jesus offered me a seat with his group,  but I didn't want to sit with them. I sat by myself. I put my ear buds in and just did what I did best and that was write in my journal. I had a bunch of thoughts in my mind that I needed to express so I did that with writing poetry.

I blasted music, ate some of my lunch, and then went on with my day. I felt like I had a serious problem when I realized I had no tears in my eyes. I was going back to my old ways and that was not giving a fuck.

I seen Xavier walk towards me and I smiled giving him a hug.


"Hi, Kimmy why are you alone?"

"Cause I wanted to sit alone."

"What about your friends?"

"Sometimes in life you can't really rely on friends."

He nodded, "can you get me some juice."

I nodded taking his hand and going to the snack bar. He got chips and juice then walked to his side of the caf.


When I was walking to the parking lot I noticed Jamal's car. There was this girl with wild,curly, blond hair kissing him. I made sure he couldn't see me.

I went to my house. Did the usuals, homework, and write. I had a basketball game. But I made it as my choice to sit out the whole game. We lost that game but I didn't care. I came back home and was focused in getting to my room.

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