Uh-oh, Looks Like We Got A Creep In Town

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Chxoxo 17

What's your favorite(s) and least favorite(s) songs from This Thing Called Life?

My favorites are, Hollywood, CHANGE, Dreamer, First Time, Look How Far I've Come, AMERICAN DREAM, and Would You Know,

Least Favorite are The Encore, and Job. But I'm staring to like Job. Everyday its different I end up growing and liking the songs I didn't like the day before so don't say 'oh you ain't a true fan by hating on his songs.' Cause I'm not hating. I just have opinions. I guess ion like the Encore cause of the instrumental, but who knows maybe I will like it...
Been Around The World is a song I like, but the lyrics don't play in my head so I don't really remember how it goes until I've heard the song, but yeah its playing right now lmao, and I like it, it's a fun track.

I also love how August adds a little poetry at the end of some songs that's dope as hell.

Oh. I forgot tell you guys, I downloaded the album on my phone Thursday. 'Yeah I'm not being a loyal fan and buying the album' but I mean it's not like anyone was gonna buy it for me.


I bursted into Jamal's room where I seen him laying there with the tube thing below his nose.

"Hi Jamal" I said awkwardly

He gazed at me weakly, then smiled, "hey Kim"

I looked at my daddy, Tyla, and Jesus. I don't know how to act to stuff like this. I can't reach out and show how I really feel, instead I gotta just fake it to make it.

"Does your parents know about this?"

"My parents are dead"

"I'm sorr--"

"Don't be, they both had sickle cell and I was told I had to have had it, so look at me," I looked at him

"The doc tol' you, you had sickle cell?"

He shook his head, "I know I do"

The doctor walked in.

"Mr. Evans?"

He nodded, "Well we took tests, and you very well have sickle cell"

I bit my tongue and looked at the wall.

"Now I know your parents unfortunately had it, and passed because of it, and I'm sorry about that"

Jamal looked as if he could care less.  I was too scared to look into his eyes. I had so many negative thoughts that played that I was too scared.

"What's sickle cell?" Tyla asked

"Sickle cell Anemia is a disease that attacks the red blood cells"

They nodded

"It can last life long and its not something that just appears, your born with it. When both parents have it, its expected for the child to have it."

"Now Jamal. Life expectancy--"

I walked out the room with Katrina waiting out the door. She already had tears strolling down her face causing me to immediately hug her. We both cried sobbing on to one another. I could never lose some one I just met. I've already seen so many people come and go in my life, and with someone I just met I don't think I could handle it.


I walked in to my grandparents house with yelling going on in the kitchen.

"Chris you're not taking him !"

"He's my child just as much as he is yours!"

I felt weak. I took a sigh of relief when I didn't see Xavier there.

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