Joe imagine- I want you back

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Sorry I haven't been on lately, I've been really caught up in watching marvel movies and on Saturday I'm watching civil war!!!! Can't wait!

Joe's POV
"Pete, it's not that easy. I can't just go to her door and be like: 'hey (Y/N) I want you back. You're my girlfriend again now.' It doesn't work like that."

"Yeah but you guys had something! Come on you've gotta try. You'll regret it if you don't." Pete pleaded.

I stared at him for a second, reminiscing about mine and (Y/N) relationship. How she'd wrap her small arms around me. How her kisses made me feel like I could rule the world. How her eyes were a trillion times more beautiful then the stars. Great, now I really want her back.

"Maybe." He huffed and sat back in his chair.

"Why'd you guys break up anyway?"

I shrugged. "Big argument."

"About?" Man he can be really nosey at times.

"She got stressed from work and I was never home. She said she felt like she couldn't rely on me anymore because I wasn't around and we got into a big argument. Another reason to not tell her I still love her."

Pete rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Well, I think apologising is a brilliant reason to tell her." We stared each other down for a bit until I finally gave in and grabbed by keys, racing out the door.

Your POV
"Yo (Y/N)! Which ice cream do you want?" Patrick shouted from the kitchen. Even though you and joe broke up a month ago, he still wanted to be friends with you.

"Why are you asking?"

"Which one?" He repeated.

"If you're trying to console me with junk food, it's not gonna work! I'm fine. Seriously." He poked his head through the door and frowned.

"Which. One?" You sighed and told him the flavour you wanted. He threw it at you followed by a spoon and you both dived in whilst watching a soppy romantic film.

"You're choice in movie sucks ass trick."

"I heard it helps with break ups."

"Trick! I'm fine! Honestly. I don't need any help with this, it's been a month. I've moved on." He rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen again. What for you'll never know.

You turned your attention to the terrible film when the door produced a knocking sound. You stood and as you walked to the door you passed a mirror. You were wearing grey joggers and a black tank top that had ice cream spilt down it. Your hair was in a messy bun. Not the cute ones, the ones where hair went everywhere and stuck out. You were wearing no make up and looked a bit of a mess.

You shrugged it off and opened the door. You gasped as you saw Joe standing there in his leather jacket and fitting jeans and shirt. Damn he looked good. "(Y/N)." He whispered, more to himself then to you. You let him in without saying anything, still in shock of who was standing in your house.

You closed the door and ran to the kitchen to find Patrick. "Emergency!!" He turned to you and looked worried.

"What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!"

"Worse. Joes here." You whispered/screamed. His eyes looked like they'd pop out his head at any moment.

You started fretting and pacing around the kitchen. Repeating rhetorical questions.

"You sure you're over him?" You heard Patrick smirk. You turned and playfully hit him.

"What do I do?!"

"Do you love him?"

"Wh-why? I d-"

"Do you love him?" He asked again.

You paused and then faced him. "Yes." You breathed.

"Then you get your man back!" He shouted. You smiled and went to walk away. You stopped walking, turned around and hugged Patrick.

"Thank you."

"No worry's. Now go!" You obeyed him and walked back out to Joe whilst Patrick snook out the back door.

He looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing alive, even though you had put no effort in what you looked like. "(Y/N) this last month has been torture. I can't eat or sleep or drink or do anything without you coming into my mind. I-I love you. And I'm not able to move on from you because you're all I want and need. I can live with out you. I can, I just don't want to." A long silence interrupted the two of you after he finished talking.

You wiped a tear away from your eye that you didn't even know was there until you felt it on your lower cheek. You ran up to him and flung your arms around him. You cried into his shirt as he held you closer then he ever had before. "I love you. So much. Don't ever leave me again, I think Patrick would die from over working." He let go and looked down at you.


"Patrick's been making sure I'm okay since we broke up. He's been bringing me tons of food and forced me to watch stupid movies." He loosened up and pulled you close again.

"I'm never leaving you. I promise." He mumbled onto your head. "I love you."

"I love you too." He drew your head from his chest and placed his lips onto yours.

Thanks Pete.

Omg this is my 100th page. Cool. Thank you for over 700 reads and 99 votes. It means so much to me! Love you all. Good night (it's night time right now.) 😘

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