Joe imagine- How the mighty fall in love (part 4)

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The days past quickly and now a week has gone by. In that week, the comments had died a little but there were still some people who wouldn't let it go.

It was now Saturday again and instead of going to the lake, you went to Andy's so you wouldn't run into Joe again.

You arrived at his house and he opened the door to welcome you in. "How's life?" "The same as yesterday. And the day before and day before that. Just people sending mean texts and pictures, and joe making up lies. Same old." "What's he lied about this time?" "He said that you love me and that's why you said that he loves me." "So how'd you know he's lying?" He crossed his arms and smirked. "Because you're like a brother to me and I know that your crazy for Hayley." You smirk back. "Touché." You both laugh and then start watching a movie.

Half way through the movie, Andy paused it and took out his phone. He dialled a number and brought it to his ear while you look at him in confusion. "Hey Joe. Yeah. I'm just calling to say that making up that lie to (Y/N) was really shallow. She knew you were lying, man. Well you know I love Hayley. I don't know if I'm going to make a move. Wait! No! I only told her because she was angry at me for telling you. Fine, be a jerk!" And with that he hung up. The whole time you sat there listening to the conversation, wondering what Joe was saying."what did he say?" "He said if I don't make a move on Hayley in the next 2 hours, he's going to make a move because he's angry at me for telling you." "Wow. What an ass." "Yeah. Now I've lost my chance." "No you haven't. Go get that girl." You smiled at him. "I can't leave you all alone. You really need a friend right now." "I'll be fine. Go." You both got up and got into your cars. He drove to Hayley and you decided to drive to Joe.

You arrived at the lake and Joe was there, just like you expected. You quietly walked up to him and stood behind him. "Hey." He was startled by your voice and turned round. "What do you want (Y/N)?" "Well I want to know two things," you sat down next to him, facing out onto the lake. "Why you hate me and why you're taking your anger out for me on Andy." He looks at you with anger flaring in his eyes. "Andy told you something he shouldn't have. Something that's not true. That's why I'm taking out my anger on him. And I think you know why I hate you." You stare at him with confusion etched onto your face. "No, I don't." "Of course you do." "There's literally no idea In my brain about why you could hate me."

He sighed and turn to look at you. "Two years ago. Pete's party. Ring any bells?" "Ugh yeah. You were really nice to me. Then the next day you changed." "Do remember anything else from that night? Maybe to do with a closet?" You frowned as memories flooded your brain. "We played seven minutes in heaven and after, I felt really embarrassed because someone shouted out that I liked you. I ran off and then you hated me." "I was only mean to you because you were avoiding me and I wanted to be friends with you. I didn't know how to handle it." "Well. I was only avoiding you because that guy wasn't lying. Plus you were my first kiss." You were surprised at how nice Joe was speaking to you. You'd never been this civil with him. "Well I guess that makes two of us." You both blush a little and then Joe looks up at you again. "Friends?" You felt shocked at the offer but you didn't want to take it. This guy had given you nothing but hell for two years and now loads of people were practically bullying you just because you liked him.

"No." You said with an emotionless face. His face dropped and then raised with a bit of anger."no?" "No. You've hurt me so much. For basically no reason and now I'm getting bullied because you thought it'd be funny. No. I don't want to be friends." You stood up and began to walk away. "Fine. Suit yourself." You turned around to see him standing up, facing the water. "Joe. You should really stop denying that you love me. You'd be better off with just accepting it and stop making all the lies to try and cover it. No ones buying the act." He froze up and then slightly turned his head towards you. You walked away feeling proud of yourself. You'd just stood up to Joe Trohman.

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