Andy imagine- Monster (part 5)

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Unable to process what had happened, you decided to go for a walk. You walked out the door slowly, tracing your lips with your fingers. Did that really happen? Did he really kiss you?

You walked down the path, unsure where you were going. You just needed to think. Now I know what your thinking, "why am I over reacting to a kiss and a man saying he'd like to kiss me?" Well that's all because you've never had experience of a relationship with a person who kidnapped you.

The thoughts raced in your head. Do you really want a relationship with a kidnapper? What would it be like? What are the pros? What are the cons?

As you questioned what to do next, you heard a voice from behind you. A familiar voice too. "(Y/N)?" You turned around and were faced with your best friend. "Mikey?Holy smokes! Hi!" You ran to him and hugged him. He smiled and hugged you back. "Hey, where've you been? You've vanished off the face of the earth for like, three months? Where have you been?" "Ooooooh. Just a stopping at a friends house, they needed some help so I helped them." Mikey looked at you. The look on his face showed that he didn't believe you. You returned the look and oh stood for a while, staring each other down.

"Tell me the truth." "I have." And you did. Your friend needed help. You helped him. It wasn't a lie if you didn't tell the whole story. He looked you up and down and gave you another weird look. "(Y/N)...I know." "Know what?" "I know you were kidnapped." You gasped a little and stayed silent. "How did you escape?" "I-i didn't." "You're still held captive?" "No." "Then what happened." "I helped him. I told him it wasn't right and I helped him become...normal. He's such a great guy now." "Andy's bad news. Trust me." "How did you know it was-" "promise me you won't go back?" "No. Mikey, he's changed. He's a good guy now." You pleaded.

He remained silent and walked closer to you. "Then you leave me no choice." He cupped your mouth and turned you around so your back was against his chest. You squirmed and tried to free yourself but it was no use. He walked you down the street which had no one on it. Great, no one could help.

You arrived at his house and he let one hand off of you to open the door. Bingo. You bit his arm and made a run for it. "HELP! PLEASE!" You were almost at the end of the drive when two pairs of arms pulled you back. You screamed and struggled as he dragged you into the house.

"Mikey! Let me go!" He threw you on the floor and you felt something hit your head before everything went black.

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