Pete imagine- (Y/N)?

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You sat at your table, alone. In the past year you'd gotten a promotion at work, then your engagement got called off. You moved to a better apartment, then your cat died. It was like life was trying to drastically keep your life level.

You took a sip from your drink as you admired the small coffee shop. You got bored and decided to go out. Your curiosity lead you here. You looked around until you lay eyes on someone you haven't seen since college. Your peaceful nature shattered and you tried your best to hide your face. He walked over to you and you got under the table to try and hide. "(Y/N)?" Great now he saw you.

You popped your head up and smiled weekly. "Hi Pete." You and he had dated all through out college and broke up a few months after college due to his band getting a record deal and him having to move away. "Why were you under the table?" "Uh. I was, um. Looking for my earring?" You asked yourself. "But you have both ears with earrings in." "Yes. I do. Um, this one was my back up earring. Silly me, I dropped it and now I can't find it." Pete took a seat at your table and you cursed to yourself in you head. "How've you been?" "Well, both good and bad. Not married but stable in an apartment and job. You?" "Bands set off. We've gotten quite popular. I got married, had a son and got divorced. Then met someone new and had another son." "Wow. Life seems pretty great for you." "I guess." "What do you mean 'I guess'? You're living the dream!" "Well. Me and meagan are splitting up. We're just sorting out arrangements for saint and bands had a few falling outs. Not all great." "Oh. I'm sorry." "Don't sweat it." He smiled and took your hand in his. "Wanna go out sometime and catch up?" "Maybe after you've split with Meagan. I'm not the type to intrude on this stuff. But here have my number." You wrote it down on the napkin and handed it to him. You stood up and looked down at him. "I've Got to go. Text or call me if you want. See ya Pete." You smiled and left.

"See ya (Y/N)." He mumbled to himself whilst a smile was plastered to his face.

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