Joe imagine- How the mighty fall in love (part 2)

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You really hated going into school knowing that Joe would be there. You didn't want any wars anymore. You just wanted to at least be civil with each other. That way it wouldn't hurt as much.

You walked down the corridor with your head in a book when you accidentally walked into someone. "Sorry." You mumbled without looking up. "Watch where you're going. God it's like you're blind or something." You instantly knew it was Joe. You looked up at him and plastered a fake smile on your face because you knew that would really grind his gears (I don't even know). "Well if I am blind, then praise the Lord because then I don't have to see your ugly face." Joe laughed. "Oh please! I know you love me. In fact, I think everyone should know." He turned around and shouted, "hey everyone! (Y/N) is madly in love with me!" Your face turned bright red and you walked away, afraid of the embarrassment. As you walked you felt tears slip from your eyes.

Only one person could have told him because he was the only one who knew. Well, now the whole school knew. You marched up to Andy and pushed him. "You jerk! You told him and he just humiliated me in front of the whole school! How could you? I thought you were my friend!" "What are you talking about?" He asked in confusion and shock. "You told Joe that I love him!" "So it's true!" You both turned around to see Pete with his phone in hand on record. "Pete? What are you doing?" "Getting proof that you're head over heals in love with Joe. Now everyone will know it's not a joke!" "Pete! Why? You were my friend!" "Well. I'm better friends with Joe. Bye!" And with that he took off.

Even more tears escaped and you collapsed into the floor. You brought your knees to your chest and hugged them whilst you leaned against the lockers. "This is just great." "Why would Pete do something like that?" Andy asked with anger. You looked at him with a 'what the hell' face on. "You mean 'how could he do exactly what I just did?'." "(Y/N). It wasn't like that. I'll explain it all to you but right now I've got to go and talk to Pete and joe, And maybe Patrick. Bye." And with that he left you alone to cry in the empty hall way of school.

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