Andy imagine- Monster (part 3)

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You woke up to the sound of crashing downstairs. You bolted up and tumbled down the flight of stairs that separated you from upstairs and the ungodly sound of things breaking. You hurried around the corner to find Andy lying on the floor, panting whilst he stared at the ceiling. "Andy, what are you doing?" You asked a little scared. You'd never actually seen him lash out and break something, you just knew he did it.

" I can't do it." he croaked. "Can't do what?" "I can't stop I'm always going to be the messed up guy who everyone hates." he grumbled, tears forming in his eyes. You went over to him and lay next to him. "You're not a monster Andy." "Of course I am. You said so yourself." he said as he turned to look in your eyes. "That's because I didn't know who you were. I though that if I could get under your skin, you'd let me go." His eyes darted away from yours and he turned his head back to the ceiling. "You can go now." "What?" "You said you didn't want to be here, you can go."

you grabbed his cheek so he'd look at you. "That's when I didn't know who you were. I don't wan to leave. I want to stay and help." you smiled sincerely at him and he smiled back, grabbing your hand as it rested on his cheek.

It had been 2 weeks since you decided to help Andy. He was getting better as the days went on. Becoming more and more caring. Not scary. You had to admit, you had quite a crush on him. You'd taught him how to be a gentlemen, all the right and wrong things to do and what to say to someone. It was like teaching someone who had been living on an island for their whole life, to act as a normal human.

You currently sat on the couch as Andy lay his head on your lap, sleeping soundly. He'd warmed up to you incredibly and didn't want anyone else to have you. He promised after he had been helped, he'd take you out, but he wanted to learn first.

You watched the episode of how I met your mother where Lilly and Marshall get married. Marshall was just about to shave his hair off, when the doorbell suddenly rang. You shifted a little causing Andy to wake up. He sat up straight and stared at the door. He cautiously got up and opened it. "Where is she?!" your ex, abusive boyfriend flew through the door and stared at you with anger. He was terribly obsessed with you and hardly let you out of his sight. When you finally got away from him and broke up with him, you were kidnapped. Typical.

He walked over to you, looking like he wanted to kill you. You shook in your seat, trembling with fear. He was about to grab you by the arm until he was pulled back by Andy and pinned against the wall. "Who the fuck are you?" "I'm her boyfriend! Who are you?" "I-" "Andy, he's not my boyfriend, he's an abusive scum bag who won't leave me alone!" You merely shouted as panic filled your mind.

Andy turned toward him and punched him in a chain until he fell to the floor. You tried to pull him off but he wouldn't budge. Your ex groaned in pain when you finally drew Andy away. "Get the fuck out of my house and don't ever come near (Y/N) again or I will kill you." He grunted through gritted teethe. He got to his feet and scurried out of the door.

"Andy-" "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked with concern and sadness. "I anted to forget about him. But it's okay now. He's gone. Just promise me you won't ever lash out like that." "What if I'm protecting someone?" "Well, yeah. Just don't beat them to death. okay?" He stayed quiet. "Andy, promise me!" "Okay! I promise!" he raised his voice a little. "Okay then."

You walked into the kitchen and poured some water into a glass. "(Y/N)? How long 'till you think I'm ready?" "I dunno. Probably soon. Why?" You turned around to find Andy standing a few feet away from you.

The words he replied with made your breathing hitch and your heart race.

"Because I'd really love to kiss you."

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