Patrick imagine- Snow falls (part 8)

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Patrick's POV


That's all I feel. Every now and then there's a pain, but mainly just tired and weak.

I tried escaping, but they only hurt me more. I can hear the other boys crying out. How could we be so blind?

We had made our way to Joe's kingdom, when we were kidnapped by Courtney's army. Now we're all chained up and I've had a strange spell put on me. I hear this music and I just loose control.

I wish I could see (Y/N). Wait. What? I shouldn't be thinking that. I'm marrying Elisa for gods sake. That's if I ever get out of here.

Holy smokes I miss her. Her hair. Her eyes. Her voice. How she can fight so amazingly. And yet she'll never be mine. She's just...a tiny crush. It'll pass.

Your POV
You ran through the woods, a smile etched on your face. Nothing could bring you down. Except a tree stump.
You tripped up and landed flat on your face. You groaned in pain as you tried to get up, only to feel a hand wrap around your arm and help you. You looked up and saw a tallish man with dark eyes with a matching hair colour. "You had quite the fall, you okay?" You nodded slightly, unsure of what to say. "Hey, let's gat you back to our house and get you cleaned up." He smiled sincerely. You nodded again and he led you to his house.

On arrival you found a small cottage surrounded by piles of cutdown wood. Outside was a washing line with damp, dirty clothes on it. 8 axes rested against the house and smoke blew from the chimney. You looked in awe at how homey it was.

He led you inside and stood at the door with you. You were greeted by several other pairs of eyes on you. "Brendon. Who's this?" A grouchy voice came from the crowed. "This is (Y/N)" "How do you know my name?" "Sweetie, you were a princess." You laughed a little and looked back at the other men.

"Im Brendon. This is Gerard." He pointed to a man with red hair who looked like he was sulking. Another person sneezed and no one payed attention to it. "That's Mikey, he sneezes...a lot." You landed eyes on a guy who was yawning. He had small eyes and red hair. Red was painted under his eyes , making him look mysterious. "That's Josh. He's wearing that red stuff so he can stay awake longer. This is Tyler." He motioned to a shy looking man. He had short brown hair and blushed a little. You immediately found him adorable. "He doesn't talk much, not unless blurry tells him to." "Blurry?" "Yes, I'll tell you later. This happy happy," he pulled an extremely tall dark haired man next to him. He smiled so hugely you thought his face was going to fall off. "Is Dallon. Don't be worried by his height. He's a softy." Dallon chuckled and patted Brendon's back. "Talking of softy's...Ryan." He pointed to a small, chubby cheeked man who had a cute baby face. He tried his best to walk up to you but bumped into nearly everything and fell over. "He's a bit clumsy. And last but not least, Frank." You looked around but couldn't find this so called frank anywhere. That was until you felt a hand on your shoulder which made you jump out of your skin. You turned and found him smiling at you. He had black hair that swooped over his forehead and soft eyes. "He's the stealthiest guy you could ever meet." You looked around and smiled. They all seemed so nice, welcoming (except for Gerard.) and you felt like you'd just made some new friends.

"It was lovely to meet you all, but I really better get going." They all looked at you heartbroken, again, except for Gerard who was staring at you blankly. "W-why?" Ryan asked. "Well, I've got to find someone and tell them something." "Who?" They all asked in unison. "Well if you must know. Prince Patrick." All there faces turned solemn as they heard his name. "You haven't heard?" Gerard spoke up. "Heard what?" What was going on? "Courtney's captured him and the boys, sorry sister. Looks like you won't be telling him anything anytime soon."

Your heart shattered at what he had said. It couldn't be true. You had just saved Andy from Courtney. Now all four of them are taken? A few tears fell from your eyes and Brendon wrapped you in a hug. "Great. Just great. I can't see Patrick and I have no where to go." Dallons face lit up. "You can stay here!" He exclaimed. "What? No no. I've got to save Patrick and the others." "Well help. But we have to plan it out, and before then, you can stay here." They all nodded at the idea.

It's settled, your living with eight other men.

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