Pete imagine- A car (part 1)

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Pete's POV
"I'm sick of this! I'm leaving!" "Pete! Please don't leave!" "I'm not staying her with you!" "Please Pete! I love you! Don't leave me!" She pleaded as she cried. I didn't want to leave her but we can't keep this up. We're always fighting and I just can't take it anymore. I pulled her close and gave her one last kiss before I grabbed my bag that I had packed earlier, and left out the door.

I got into my car and started the car and felt like I couldn't breathe. I just drove. I didn't know where I'm going.   I feel like crap and I just want to open the car door and fall out.

Damn. I'm driving away from the girl I love.

"(Y/N) I've got to go!" I said whilst laughing. She was clung onto my waist and wouldn't let go. "I know Petey but I'm gonna miss you so much. " "I'll miss you too. It's only two months away on tour and then I'll be back." She pouted playfully so I kissed her. "I love you baby." I mumbled against her lips. "I love you too. Just know, while you're on tour. You have my heart with you all the way." "I'll buckle in the back of the car so it's safe." She giggled and we kissed again. I gave her a hug and then kissed her knuckle before getting in the car.

Im leaving the love of my life. What am I doing? I hesitated to go back but she probably doesn't want me back. Crap. Well now all I can do is drive.

(A/N) hey hey hey! This is part one of this little story. Btw, part two will be called 'a torch' and part three will be called 'a death' because it's based off the song 'a car, a torch, a death' by twenty one pilots (Wow I'm so clever aren't I?)

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